Key Figures

During the war there where many important figures that contributed in the war. The leaders who represented the Kuwait and U.S side where George Bush, Norman Schwarzkopf, Khalid bin Sultan, and Colin Powell. The leader who represented the Iraq side was King Fahad bin Abdulaziz. Both Khalid and Norman where joint commanders of the allied forces during the war. Everyone else where just other important people who played a role in the war.


President George Bush: The decision maker for the US.

General Colin Powell: Chairman of Joint Chiefs.

General Normal Schwarzkopf: Commander of military operations in the Gulf.

James Baker: Secretary of State.

Richard Cheney: Secretary of Defense and responsible for defense planning.

Brent Scowcroft: Important advisor to President Bush in his duty as National Security Advisor.


Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher: The decision maker for England until November 1990.


President Francois Mitterand: The decision maker for France.


Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir: The decision maker for Israel.

Defense Minister Moshe Arens: Responsible for Israel’s defense efforts and strategies.


President Hosni Mubarak: Made decisions for Egypt's participation in the war.


Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmed al-Sabah, emir of Kuwait: Forced to flee his home at the onset of the invasion of his country.


King Fahd: Led Saudi Arabia.

President Mikhail Gorbachev: Was the top decision-maker for the Soviet Union.

Yevgeni Primakov: Was active in diplomatic efforts to end the conflict.


President Saddam Hussein: Planned to invade Kuwait.

Foreign Minister Tariq Azia: Chief spokesperson in the international community.