Key Events

Some Key events that lead up to the creation and signing of the Decleration of Independence are as followed:

May 28th, 1754- This was the start of the French and Indian War.

July 26th, 1754- Albany plan of Union. Benjamin Franklin proposed a plan uniting the colonies called the Albany Plan of Union. It was rejected.

May 10th, 1755-This was the date of the Second Continental Congress. This is where the congress assumed the power of central government. John Hancock became president of this group.

April 5th, 1765- This was the date when the Stamp Act was created. It was created so the King George the 3rd would have to pay the debt after the war.

December 16th, 1773- A group of colonists dressed up as Mohawk Indians and dumped hundreds of chests of British Tea into the Boston Harbor. This was known as the Boston Tea Party. A revolution wasn't far behind.

July 2nd, 1776- The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was formed. Some paragraphs were taken out on this day before making the final copy.

July 4th, 1776- Known as Independence day, this is when the final draft of the constitution was created and when america became a free nation.