Key Figures

President William McKinley

He was the 25th President. At first he wanted to stay neutral to Cuba's war against Spanish however he was forced to help Cuba when on of the United State's boat exploded and it was blamed on Spain .

Theodore Roosevelt

He left his political life in New York to help organize a volunteer cavalry known as the Rough Riders that helped defeat spain in the Spanish American War. Theodore Roosevelt later became the 26 president.

Jose Marti aka "El Apossstol"

Jose Marti was a big influence in promoting Cuba's independence and died in a battle against Spain.

Admiral Pascual Cervera

He was an admiral for Spain during the Spanish American War. He and his soldiers were captured by Admiral Sampson, when he tried to escape he lost all his ships however he was released that same month.

William T. Sampson

He was an admiral for the United States. He and his soldiers created a blockade that capture Admiral Pascual and his men.