Six Day and The Yom Kippur Wars - Spring 2012

Six Day War:

Known as the 1997 War, in the Middle East. This war was the third major Arab-Israeli conflict and was a continuation of the first two wars. It was against Syria, Jordan and Egypt. The Israelis defended the war as a preventative military effort to counter what they saw as an impending attack by Egypt, Jordan and Syria or the United Arab Republic which, was an alliance between the 3 countries at the time. Israel launched a surprise air strike that later lead to their decisive victory.The Six Day war started June 5th 1967-June 10th 1967.

Yom Kippur War:

A religion based war in the middle east that was fought over lands lost by Egypt and Syria to Israel in the Six Day War in 1967. The two countries had long standing animosity towards Israel for this and other religious reasons. This wasn't helped by the fact that these countries also had ties to the feuding Soviet and U.S.government's during this Cold War era. The Yom Kippur conflict was seen as a possible WW III because of the assistance given to both sides by so many other countries including the Soviets who refused to negotiate peace.The war began Oct. 6 1973 and ended Oct. 25, 1973 resulting in a military victory for Israel reassuring their enemies of their ability to defend themselves.