Domination and Accommodation in South America

The Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine happened in the 1820s.U.S was worried that they were going to lose their territory. They we're worried that they were going to lose it from Spain. Some of the territory that United States had gained was from Spain but Spain was prepared to take it back. United States was honestly scared that Spain would take Louisiana territory back. President Monroe said the U.S. would not accept the fact that any European country should not be involved in anything that had to do with South or North America. The Monroe Doctrine clearly stated "It was a statement by the United States that the U.S. would not allow European countries to expand their control over territory in Latin America"

Crisis with France

Mexico bordered the U.S. and the U.S. used that wisely by protecting it. The U.S. wanted France to leave Mexico alone. Since Mexico bordered the U.S., the U.S. didn't want a European country to control a country that bordered the U.S. The U.S. ended up getting France to leave Mexico alone. They insisted that France leave Mexico alone willingly or there will be a war. France did the smart thing by saying that if they were going to fight over seas it was going to be to hard, so they decided to pull their troops out of Mexico.

Crisis in Chile

The president of Chile lost control of the government. The people in the government was angry. The were even angry at the U.S. for supporting him. Chile decide that they were not going to apologize until the U.S. went to war with Chile. The U.S. ships went over to Chile and two Americans ended up getting killed. In the end, Chile ended apologizing and they sent money to the families of the deceased.

Crisis in Venezuela

A disagreement between Venezuela and Great Britain gave the U.S. a reason to show it's influence on Americans. The whole dispute ended up being about the border that is in between Venezuela and British Guinea. The U.S. helped solve the problem in the end.

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez