Key Events

History of Foreign Policy: League of Nations Fall 2011

On January 8th, 1939, President Woodrow Wilson, delivered his speech on the Conditions of Peace, and identifies his "fourteen points" which he propose will serve as the basis for world peace. Point fourteen of his speech proposes:

"A general association of nations should be formed on the basis of covenants designed to create mutual guarantees of the political independence and territorial integrity of States, large and small equally."

Couple weeks later, the session that was fully attended by all qualified members of the Peace Conference accepts the proposals for the recreation of the League of the Nations. The session took place on the 25th of January.

Part 1, Articles 1 of 26 of the Treaty of Versailles and other Peace Treaties contain the Covenant of the League of the Nations. The treaty was signed on July 28th.

On November 15th ,1920, the first assembly of the League was called by President Woodrow Wilson of the United States at Geneva. Fourty-one of the states had send representatives to attend.

The International Health Conference took place at Singapore on the 4th to 13th of February, 1925. Another conference regarding the Traffic in Arms took place on the 4th of May in the same year.

Many countries had withdrew from the League and many had also joined. Numerous policies and treaties were proposed during meetings and conferences to avoid the necessity of war.

The Great Depression that occurred during the 1930s had placed more pressure on Americans due to the amount of unresolved issues after World War I. The League had tried to prevent war during Hitler's rise in power but failed to do so because the United States was not one of the League's members. Without the United State's help, the League is weak and was not able to stop the happening of World War II.

On the 18th of April, 1946, all assets from the League were transfered to the United Nations, and the contract was signed by the representative of the League, W. Moderow.

The picture above shows the first assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva, 1920.

