
Spanish–American War period

April 21-25- The Spanish–American War begins. War is declared by the United States and Spain.

1 May – Commodore George Dewey decisively defeated the Spanish fleet commanded by Patricio Montojo in the Battle of Manila Bay.


May 19- Emilio Aguinaldo returns to the Philippians after being exile in Hong Kong aboard an American naval vessel.

June 12- The Philippians deceleration of independence is proclaimed by Ambrosio Rianzares.

September- American and Spanish delegations begin negotiations in Paris on a treaty to end the Spanish-American War.

December- Spain ratified the Treaty of Paris when the Queen Regent María Cristina signed the agreement to break the deadlocked Cortes.


June 2- The Malolos Congress enacted and ratified a Declaration of War on the United States, which was publicly proclaimed on that same day by Pedro Paterno, President of the Assembly.


March 23- The ending of the war was not formalized by a treaty but it can be dated. On this day Emilio Aguinaldo was captured by the U.S. forces.

April 1- Emilio Aguinaldo swore allegiance to U.S. appealing to all Filipinos to accept the sovereignty of the United States.


April 13- The last Filipino general surrendered.

April 16- Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo proclaimed that the Philippine–American War had ended on this day with the surrender of General Miguel Malvar.

July 4- U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed a full and complete pardon and amnesty to all people in the Philippine archipelago who had participated in the conflict.