How it Affect the world?

One impact of World War I was that is ended in the downfall of 4 nations including Germany, Turkey, Russia and Austria-Hungary. It lead to fascism in Italy and a rise in power of the Russian Belsheviks. Southeast Asia and the Middle East had revolts. It impacted the economy in Europe while in the U.S., it lead to increased power in industry and lending. In terms of the Paris Pace Conference, France wanted revenge and to prevent Germany from attacking France again, Britian wanted to maintain their own unity and interests, and the Americas wanted to sway others toward Wilson’s 14 Points.

Britain want form the conference

Britain disagree with the idea of supporting heavy reparations fro Germany because they were afraid of the Bolsheviks. Also, they didn't want Russia to take over Germany.

France want from the conference

France wanted National security and financial reparations. German Rhineland became a buffer zone because it was against Wilson’s principle of national self-determination. It was a compromise. Germany had to pay back money to their enemy’s nation because of the war within 30 days. Many countries lost many valuable properties and money which Germany was forced to pay after they lost the war.

United States want from the conference

United States wanted to maintain healthy economy. As a result, they wanted France and Britain to repay their loans. In addition, it can make the world safe for democracy.

How did the Treaty of Versailles cause controversy?

Germans were humiliated because of the Treaty of Versailles. Germany wanted revenge because of this. Reparation payments made matter worse and because the reason of Germany’s economic collapse. Unhappy German troops created right-wing political group which was against the treatments that came from Allies’ nation. This eventually led towards the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party.