-Key Events Spring 2012

The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I it was proposed by Woodrow Wilson. As a result if this American didn't join the League of Nations, they wanted to stay away from all possible. in 1928 the Kellogg-Braid Pact was also made to also keep peace between our allies, the French and the Germans. Because so many countries were in debt from world war I it was putting most of Europe and Asia in a depression to. this could cause wars to break out. Senator Gerald Nye proposed the Neutrality Acts signed on August 31st, 1935. which led Americans to stop trading war equipment with foreign countries. Ships also had to register to the ships and obtain a license to bear arms and would only sell arms to "belligernt" nations. Hitler responded as Germany would no longer honor the terms of the treaty of Versailles. While all of this is going on Mussolini, leader of Russia, is spreading the fascist party. he is attacking out allies making it harder for Americans to stay isolated. Unforgettably after all this hard work, Germany invades Poland and forces the American to become apart of the war until the Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Four days later Germany and Italy declared war n American.