Throughout the first half of the year, there were constant battles throughout the country , which weighed heavy on the hearts and minds of the American people. At one point, the US troops fought not only the British and their Native allies, but there was also brief fighting with Spain in Florida. People from both sides were hoping to end the war, so in August, negotiations for peace started going underway in Ghent. This did not halt the violence however, as the British enacted their revenge for the destruction of York (now Toronto), and set fire to the nation's capitol of Washington, DC. From August 24th to 25th, even the white house were set ablaze, forcing President James Madison to flee the city. This did not fully daunt the Americans amazingly, as they secured the Northern Border in the Battle of Plattsburg, and inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner when he witnessed the American troops triumph in the Battle for Baltimore. This was some of the last fighting the war would give way to, as the negotiations lead to an agreement to return to status quo on both sides in December.