Key Events

Beginning of the Barbary Wars: In May, 1801, Thomas Jefferson sent a squadron to Tripoli after they declared war on the United States. The squadron created blockades and captured some pirates.

Blockade of Tripoli Harbor: Thomas Jefferson commenced another naval blockade in 1803. Under this siege, the USS Philadelphia, its captain and crew were captured by the Barbary pirates. The ship was rescued by Commander Stephen Decatur in 1804.

Battle of Derna: In 1805, William Eaton was in charge of his naval fleet and attacked Derna. The Battle of Derna is considered America's first victory on foreign soil. The battle led to a treaty which ended the first Barbary war, providing future protection for American trade.

Second Barbary War: In 1815, Algiers declared war on the United States, in which they responded with a fleet of 10 ships commanded by Stephen Decatur and William Bainbridge. The second Barbary war ended with another treaty that further stopped all tribute payments and piracy.