14 point peace plan

14 point peace plan:

In 1918, President Wilson stated that "The world should be made fit to live in." In order to achieve this goal, he proposed a 14 point peace plan via The Treaty of Versailles.

Terms of the treaty: The terms of the treaty will consist of land, military, blame, and money.

  • Treaties: Peace treaties should be agreed between both conflicting nations. Negotiations should be made public and not behind the other side's back. No side treaties should be present.

  • Safety: Freedom to move across the seas is permitted for trading purposes. All economic barriers were to be trade have been removed for safety purposes.

  • Land: Germany must retreat from Russian, Belgian, and French land. Austria Hungary is now free. Poland should be now a free country and their safety is 100% guaranteed.

  • Peace: A league of nations will be created in order to ensure independence and freedom.

  • Military: Germany is limited to 100,000 men in their army. Germany is no longer permitted to have heavy tanks and equipment. Their air force was disbanded. Their navy could only have a total of 6 battleship and no submarines.

  • Blame: Germany must accept the blame of the war ever happening. The Kaiser (leader) and other military general are to be put on trial.

  • Money: Germany must pay reparations most would go to Belgium and France. In 1921 their compensation fee started at 6,000 million dollars.