July 2022
Tina Ross reported attending her first FP July 4th picnic and that she loved it. She said she and her husband, Andy, who has just returned to playing mandolin, felt very welcome.
Jean Scully and her husband Dave went to "Old Songs" where they had a really nice time. She reported that the music was exceptional. There were about 15 FP people there with whom they had a great jam. She is happy to report that they are going to the New Bedford Folk Festival and Falcon Ridge.
Mark Schaffer wants everyone to know that the Music Alert is open to announcements/articles from anyone. He is having an author, Larry Bartman, at the UkeFest. Larry wrote about a uke player that accompanied Admiral Byrd to the North Pole. Additionally, Mark, his brother, sister and Robin went to visit his 102 year old mother.
Sam Edelston reported that the Nutmeg Dulcimer Festival, which he chairs, will be in-person for the first time in three years. Because of the way Covid has affected festivals, they're going to have a special one-day format, Saturday, October 1, with just four featured artists. On mountain dulcimer, Bing Futch and Dave Haas. On hammered dulcimer, Tina Bergmann and Timothy Seaman. (These people may not be household names in the broader folk world, but they're well-known in the dulcimer community.)He is very excited about this. He also reported that four generations of his family got together in Pennsylvania for his mother's birthday.
Gary Pratt WENT OUTSIDE! Kathi Caccavale bought him and Joyce hamburgers and fries from Five Guys and they sat outside and ate them.
Elizabeth Lachowicz reported that she is in Chicago with her family and she loves hanging out with them.