Event Hosting

From: Christine DeLeon <christine@christinedeleon.com>

Date: Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 4:25 PM

Subject: Event Hosting December 2017 Annual Report to the Board

To: fullboard@folkproject.org

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... where did the time go?!? Looking back, this year boasted a dozen terrific Evenings of Music and a Yankee Doodle Dandy July 4th picnic. Please join me in expressing gratitude to all our 2017 hosts for their generosity and hospitality ...

Jay Wilensky, Marie Trontell, Margaret Crowl, Amy Livingston, Brian Hudson, Howie Goldman, Pam Robinson, Bob Safranek, Pamela Zave, Yolanda Fundora, Dave and Ann Marie Schwartz, Dave Kleiner, Liz Pagan, Mark and Robin Schaffer, Cecilia Rowedder, Allan Kugel, and The Humphreys Family.

Now, it is with a big case of the teary eyes that I submit this final report to the Board as Event Hosting Chair. It's been a marvelous three years filled with joy in service and a grand education on what makes the Folk Project tick. This would be an excellent time to offer my successor, Jean Scully, a rousing wish of good luck, but since she once upon a time did this job for years and has also taught me quite a lot about it, it's a bit silly to do that. Instead, I'll just say THANKS for picking up where I'm leaving off off as I move on to a very busy and demanding new full time job while still remaining on the Board as a Trustee.

Year end blessings to everyone!

Best (sniff),

Christine DeLeon

Folk Project

Event Hosting Chair (for another 27 days)