Newsletter Report

Hi All,

I regret I am unable to attend the board meeting this evening due to a rehearsal with Mara Levene, for songs with which I will be accompanying her at the Minstrel on Friday.

I want to thank everyone for getting the submissions in to Liz early this month. . I appreciate the hard work, co-operation and teamwork that you have all put forth for the good of our Folk Project. And I especially appreciate Liz for all her hard work and dedication. I know, everyone will continue to expend their energies in an effort to get everything to Liz on time for the September Newsletter, and I thank you all in advance for that. This Month, we had 400 copies of the newsletter printed up. We mailed out 287 newsletters, including ten we sent to Rick for new membership. and the ten we sent to Morris Council of the Arts.

We did well for printing costs this month. Using reward coupons from this month and the discounts, we were able to lower the printing costs from $386.00 to $258.80 for a savings of $127.20. The postage costs came to $132.00 for 300 Stamps plus an additional $9.20 for additional postage to send the packages to Membership and Morris County Council of the Arts. So our newsletter costs this month were $258.80 from Staples and $141.20 from the Post Office for a total of $400.00 for this month.

I noticed that last month I made an error in my cost calculation that shorted my account by $33.00. Here were the figures quoted from last month’s report:

“So our newsletter costs this month were $258.80 from Staples and $141.54 from the Post Office for a total of $367.34, which we need to be reimbursed to bring the newsletter fund up to its monthly working level.”

As you can see above, my math was faulty, and the total should have been $400.34.

In total, then, I need to be reimbursed $433.00 to bring the newsletter account up to its working level. Because I won’t be at the meeting tonight, Please send a check tome at my home address.