
From: Mark Schaffer <>

Date: Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 10:45 PM

Subject: Acoustic Getaway - June Report to Board

To: Board FP <>

Acoustic Getaway - June Report to Board

The Spring Getaway was extremely successful

from both a community and financial point of view.

A new cadre of dedicated attendees continues to make

their strong presence and positive attitude felt,

and we continue to attract a solid number of first-timers.

The Fall selling season is drastically shorter than the Spring.

To meet that circumstance, we built a little more profit into the Spring.

so we can roll some extra money into the Fall performer budget

and book some better-known acts.

The Spring Getaway made $2,225

One particular highlight this time was the Friday night round robin led by Steve Humphreys.

Some very talented professionals helped accompany the participants,

and the music was elevated to the point where

many long-time attenders were excited by the experience.

Once again, performers were particularly impressed with how well-run the Getaway is,

but this time they volunteered quite often about how strong and wonderful our community spirit is.

Their accolades stood up under questioning and appeared genuine.

We welcomed Deborah Graham to the Team.

Her maiden run as Boutique chief went quite well

and we’re excited about working with her again and again.

Again, we have a very strong and growing core of dedicated volunteers

who know their jobs and make things happen.

Mark Schaffer

for Robin, Elizabeth, Pat and me.