Sound Reinforcement
It's February and the sound system is buzzing along, no pun intended. Two new mic stands are now in service. Sometime this month we're planning a repair session to take care of odds and ends. Jeff Cantor has some tools and expertise that we'll need. He'll let us know when he's free and we'll notify the rest of the sound squad that day.
Permanent MUUF sound
As reported elsewhere, the sizeable gift toward the new sound system has been received and deposited. We're waiting to meet with the MUUF team to work out a plan that we can present at the March meeting of the Board. Some of the items on the list include redundant wiring to allow for expansion or territorial practicalities, curtains for the walls behind the altar / stage, a minimum of four matched (and physically smaller) stage monitors to spread out the coverage and to minimize the volumes coming from each.
Minstrel moving to Chatham
The move from MUUF to Chatham has hit a speed bump resulting in a schedule that is not firm. What is firm is that the Tom Paxton show on 7/25 and the Uke Fest late in August will be in Chatham. The Paxton show will primarily be staffed with Sanctuary people, the Uke Fest will be Folk Project people. There may be multiple stages at the Uke Fest so we will need some soundies for help that weekend.
Respectfully submitted
....Mike Del Vecchio (sound chair 2015)