Minstrel Staffing

Training Platform Announced for Open Stage

What: We are putting together a training platform to educate our sound volunteers, both in the general principals of sound reinforcement, and in the specific operation of the Folk Project's new sound system equipment.

Where: This training will take place at our monthly Open Stage at the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship in Morristown.

Who: This will be a collaborative effort between several groups, including Minstrel Staffing, Open Stage MC, and our Sound Reinforcement committee. Mike Del Vecchio, who is currently chair of our Sound Reinforcement Committee, will be the head trainer.

When: These training sessions will not be an automatic, every Open Stage occurrence. They will happen when we have sound volunteers who will be on site, and our trainer Mike Del Vecchio has arranged his schedule to be on site as well.

Why: Developing a deep, competent group of sound personnel is crucial to the Folk Projects ability to offer quality entertainment to our guests at the Minstrel Acoustic Concert Series, our Getaways, and any other event that uses sound reinforcement equipment. The monthly Open Stage venue offers the perfect training ground for our volunteer sound crews for two main reasons. First, every 15 minutes the performer changes, requiring our sound volunteers to work with the performers to re-set up the stage equipment. Secondly, our unpaid Open Stage performers are mostly “in training” themselves, honing their craft by giving themselves exposure to different audiences, using different sound systems at different venues. Therefore our sound reinforcement trainees won’t have to deal with the pressure that comes from working with paid, sometimes demanding performers, but rather be able to learn their craft by working with more understanding and appreciative Open Stage musicians.

We are excited by the possibilities of this platform, wonder why we didn’t think of it before, and look forward to the growing crop of graduates that can help us deliver the quality musical entertainment our guests have come to expect from Folk Project events.

