June 2020

[Secretary’s note: These Minutes are a reconstruction, based on a recording, and certain details are accordingly unavailable. Accounts of some discussions which were mooted by subsequent developments in the Covid-19 crisis have been abridged or omitted. Additionally, the lack of developments noted in many sections of these Minutes reflect the temporary shutdown of many of the Project’s activities caused by the Covid-19 crisis.]

The June 2, 2020 meeting, held via Zoom, was called to order by President Paul Fisher. A quorum was present.


  • The minutes of the May, 2020 meeting were accepted.



Peggy Karr reported that no significant developments had occurred. Peggy stated that she is preparing the Project’s taxes. She noted that donations were received during the past month, both for the Project and for the memorial fund for Tim Weinrich, and that she had sent thank-you notes to the donors who identified themselves.

Mike Agranoff requested that in future Treasurer’s reports prepared submitted after the Project’s normal operations resume, financial statements be broken down by individual departments; Peggy agreed to do so.


Lobbying Committee

President Paul Fisher reported that the Lobbying Committee [formed to oppose S863, a bill pending in the New Jersey Senate which the Project believes would require ust to treat performers as employees rather than independent contractors, subjecting us to crippling financial and administrative burdens] is working on new materials to submit to Senate President Steven Sweeney.


Music Blackout

President Paul noted the occurrence, on the day of the meeting, of “#The Show Must Pause.” Special Events Chair Mark Schaffer described that event as a nationwide day-long suspension of live music performances. Mark noted that Cliff Eberhardt was scheduled to give a live-streamed performance for the Folk Project Stayaway on that date, but that CE was participating in the suspension and the Stayaway was supporting him; accordingly, his performance was rescheduled to the following day [and was held without a hitch, sec’y]. Mark further noted that Kathi Caccavale has done an excellent job with posts on the Project’s Facebook page, and John Lamb has done the same for the Project’s Web site.


Troubadour Booking: WRITTEN REPORT

Chair Mike Agranoff added that no developments had occurred. He added, to general agreement, that the Board should approve any resumption of live Project activities.


Chair Todd Dennison rested on his report.

Community Services: WRITTEN REPORT

Chair Evelyn Maurer noted that she has taken over, from Jay Wilensky the task of sending notices of deaths within the Project family to members who have signed up to be notified. She also noted the recent passing of member Scott Sheldon’s mother.


Chair Leigh Walker added that the Tern committee is closely monitoring the Covid-19 situation, and is making detailed plans for re-starting dances when it becomes safe to do so. Leigh noted, with strong agreement from Board members, that dances should not occur unless the situation changes dramatically, and only with approval by the full Board. Board members expressed appreciation for the thoughtfulness and detail of Leigh’s report.


Chair George Otto rested on his report.


Chair Gary Pratt noted that, not unexpectedly in light of the Covid-19 situation, little Membership activity has taken place. Gary noted that the general slowdown of activity caused by Covid presents an opportunity to contact members about renewal and to update information in the Member Directory.

Horses Sing None Of It: WRITTEN REPORT

No additional developments were reported.

Special Events: WRITTEN REPORT

Chair Mark Schaffer thanked all of the people who are assisting and advising him with the Stayaway. He noted that the Zoom social meeting which was held for the membership was attended by 25 people and, as planned, served as a “social connection” in a time of isolation for many members.

In response to questions, Mark noted that the Project presents streaming concerts as a co-host with the artist but not with other organizations; however, the Project and other organizations mutually benefit when mentioned by the artist.

Mark stated that the Stayaway benefits our long-term goals by keeping the Project functioning and connected, and noted that the Stayaway, on behalf of the Project, is connecting with 1,000 people twice a week.

Troubadour Staffing:

No developments were reported.


Chair Jay Wilensky noted that the cancellation of the July Fourth picnic, while unfortunate, was a “no-brainer.” He reported that the Monday Stayaway Zoom song circle has a steady attendance of 15 to 20 people from many parts of the country, and that it is a “pleasure and a privilege” to host it.


Chair Paul Fisher rested on his report. He added that Kathi Caccavale has been active with the Project’s Facebook page, and that the Committee’s teams are busy with e-mails generated by the Stayaway. He also noted that Joe Guzzo was asking for volunteers to help with theProject television show, which he is producing and hosting.

Sound Reinforcement:

No developments were reported.


No developments were reported.


The meeting was adjourned after approximately 1-3/4 hours. The next meeting will be held, via zoom, on July 7, 2020, at 8:00 p.m.

Submitted in the spirit of the Project,

Jay Wilensky, secretary ad hoc.