AUGUST 6, 2013

The Folk Project Board Meeting was called to order at 8:01 pm at the home of Joe and Laura Graziano.

Present were: Joe Graziano, Mike Agranoff, Lois DeRitter, Jim Gartner, Barrett Wilson, Rachel Streich Elizabeth Lachowicz, Lindsey Meyer, Grover Kemble, Bill Henderson, Mark Schaffer, Pam Robinson, Jean Scully, Gloria Friedman, Eddie Roffman, Bob McNally, Pat Brangs, Scooter Ferguson, Mike DelVecchio. Absent: Joanne Cronin, Allan Kugel, Nancy Kelner, Leigh Walker. Guest: Christine DeLeon.


July Board Meeting minutes were accepted without corrections.


Bill reported that P &L statements have been adjusted to reclassify prepaid expenses for future events to the Balance Sheet, so that we’re approximately $1,000 in the black for the year-to-date. Mark noted that in years past, a “successful” year was one where we ended up with a $2,000 profit for the year.

Mark also pointed out that the Agranoff Endowment was intended to help pay for Festival performers. It’s a line item in his budget, and he will spend it. Mike said that for the first 5 years of the Endowment, when he was managing it, an actual check was cut from the Endowment investment account and deposited to the FP checking account to help cover Festival performer fees. Bill said that in recent years, however, we haven’t been transferring actual cash from one account to the other, just making bookkeeping entries. Mike recommends we follow the original plan and actually transfer cash from the investment account to the FP checking account.

Mark commented that “we expected to lose $1,000 on Festival, but ended up making $350.”

Scooter admitted he doesn’t look at the financial reports very often: “I look at QuickBooks and I don’t know what I’m reading.” Several other people agreed. Former Treasurer Rachel volunteered to give interested people a guided tour of our QuickBooks accounting system. Mark offered to host this QuickBooks workshop at his house; date and time TBD.



Liz Pagan will be retiring as Newsletter Editor at the end of this year. Nancy Kelner is resigning as Publicity Chair, also as of the end of this year. Replacements are being sought for both positions. Bob suggested that if we can’t find one person to do it all, the Newsleditor position could possibly be split into two – graphics design and copy organizing? He also pointed out that the new Newsleditor would have the freedom to redesign the Newsletter if they wished. Many HSNOI volunteers are also retiring and will also need to be replaced, said Bill. Jean suggested mentioning that at Minstrel.

Elizabeth noted that Nancy has a lot of structures in place and most of the Publicity Committee will be staying on, so taking over the Chairmanship of the Committee should be relatively smooth. If anyone is interested in either job, or can recommend someone, please contact Elizabeth or a member of the FP Board.



Mike A. reported that we had a decent month in July, with an average of 92 paid/80.1 overall including Open Stage and the Birthday Party show. He also noted that the most recent 12 month P & L looked bad because we had a rent increase of $25 per show in July 2012, but didn’t raise our door price till January 2013. MUF recently raised our rent again, from $250 per week to $319, retroactively beginning July 2013. $30 of the rent increase is for a “custodial fee.” If we do nothing, the Minstrel will lose money. So, what to do? Mike identified 4 possible solutions: 1. Find ways to increase attendance; 2. Change our current business model (raise Door price, eliminate the Creel, book higher-visibility performers); 3. Move to a new location; 4. Renegotiate with MUF to roll back rent increase. A lengthy and lively discussion followed. When we first came to MUF, we were paying $200 a week instead of their usual $350 rent, because we could guarantee them rental income for 50 Fridays a year; our presence at MUF is worth $12,000 a year to them. Surely they need us as much as we need them? Mike noted that his contact at MUF has been with the church administrator, and not with the “powers-that-be” on MUF Board of Directors. Joe suggested sending a couple of FP Board Members to a MUF Board meeting to meet some of their Board members and open up a dialogue. Possible cost-cutting measures were discussed: eliminating Open Stages, eliminating opening acts, reducing the number of “ticks” for volunteers. Mike A. is reluctant to raise admission price to $10 for fear it will adversely affect Creel donations. Lori pointed out that the rent is going up because MUF needs money, and that eventually we will have to raise our admission price to $10, but that’s still cheap compared to Sanctuary Concerts, Outpost in the Burbs, etc. Mike A. has begun investigating the option of moving the Minstrel back to the Somerset County Environmental Education Center in Basking Ridge (SCEEC), where we successfully ran concerts for many years, and we will investigate other venues as well. We would be reluctant to move, but we will do so if necessary. Bob McNally moved that the Board authorize the formation of an ad-hoc committee to strategize options, including looking at other venues – as well as a vote of appreciation for Mike A.’s many years of work with Minstrel. The motion passed.


The David Gans house concert at the Schafferosa was great. We lost $36 because Scooter spent a little extra money to print color flyers for it. Scooter reports that UkeFest tickets have not been selling as expected. He will begin selling tickets for the Saturday night concert only. UkeFest performers have been promoting the event – all except James Hill, who is on tour and is incommunicado. Scooter is also advertising UkeFest to various uke-related Meetup groups.

He is also close to booking Art Garfunkel for a Special Concert, if he can get Art’s manager to finalize dates.

Scooter has not yet done anything about booking a theremin player for a Halloween show on 11/2/13 as he had contemplated a few months ago.


Nancy absent.

Last month, she suggested spending $625 on an ad in the Morris County Guide. The Board took a vote to advise Nancy whether to do it or not – 8 Yeas, 9 Nays, the Board advised No. As committee chair, Nancy is still free to do as she wishes.


Jean reported that we have 3 new volunteers. She’s been emcee’ing more to get her face in front of audience members who might be encouraged to volunteer. She also noted that Front Desk volunteers don’t get to hear the show; is there anything we can do about that? Possible solutions: wireless speakers for the Front Desk? Move Front Desk to a small table in the hallway just outside the door to the Sanctuary?


Jean reported the 4th of July Picnic was a rousing success! Thanks to Pam for lending us reusable plates and utensils to cut down on waste.

Mike and Christine Del Vecchio are hosting the August Evening of Music at Mario’s Pizza in the K-Mart Plaza in Randolph this Saturday. September EoM will be at Dave and Liz’s in Bloomfield. There will be no October EoM due to Fall Festival. November and December EoM locations are TBD; January 2014’s EoM will be at Margaret Crowl’s.


Gloria says “Hi!”


Lori: “Nothing to add to the written report.”


Leigh absent, see written report.


Pat reported she cut down on the number of copies printed to reduce waste.


Sandie absent; see written report.


Eddie: "Nothing to add to the written report."


Mark reported that another camp, Crossroads, is very interested in getting us to do Festival there and wants to know what would it take to get us to switch?

They’re 10 minutes from our current location, Camp Bernie, have 5 buildings within a 30-second walk of each other; have hotel-quality private rooms available, and group rooms would be much cheaper. OTOH, the Concert Hall space is too big for us. Mark will investigate further.


Joe: Nothing to add to the written report.

Meeting adjourned at 10:17 pm. Next month’s meeting will be at Lindsey Meyer’s home in Peapack.