September 2018

The September 4, 2018 meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m., at Steve Humphreys’ Executive Mansion.

Present: Steve Humphreys, Christine DeLeon, Dave Heistand, Ken Brody, Evelyn McNally, Olga Alvarez, Elizabeth Lachowicz, Bob McNally, Kathi Caccavale (officers and trustees); Lois DeRitter, Mark Schaffer, Sandie Reilly, Jean Scully, Joanne Cronin, Mike Agranoff, George Otto, Paul Fisher, John Mahon (committee chairs). Absent: Allan Kugel, Jay Wilensky, Chris Riemer, Pam Robinson, Leigh Walker, Mitch Radler, Lindsey Meyer.Guests: John Lamb, Lori Falco, Pat Brangs.


    • The minutes of the August 7, 2018 Board meeting, as amended, were accepted.

    • The Board approved the formation of a Nominating Committee, chaired by Jay Wilensky and also including Jean Scully, Mike Agranoff, Olga Alvarez, Lois DeRitter, and Steve Humphreys, to nominate a slate of officers and trustees to be voted on by the membership at the annual meeting.



Steve Humphreys reported that he is contemplating assembling a “Board Book,” delineating the proper role of Board members, and may do so after his term as President. Steve hopes that the book will encourage Board members to concentrate their efforts on issues affecting the Project as a whole. In this connection, Steve also asked that Board members avoid questioning venue chairs and volunteers about operational aspects of their programs in emails to the entire Board, as doing so tends to unfairly place the recipients in a negative light. Lively discussion ensued; there is a consensus that Board members should not unduly interfere with the venue chairs’ functions, although both Mike Agranoff and Mark Schaffer noted the importance of venue chairs being able to seek Board feedback on significant issues. [This issue dovetails with Old Business, below, sec’y]

A discussion ensued concerning the appropriate roles of venue chairs and Board members. Bob McNally noted that the essential question presented is whether an issue has an impact on the Project as a whole, or just a single venue. Steve concluded by noting that a line exists between matters that are appropriate for Board consideration and matters which are appropriately left to the venue chairs’ discretion, although that line can be “fuzzy.”

Steve reiterated the importance of avoiding long chain e-mails, which can make venue chairs feel put-upon.

Steve also noted the possibility of bringing Gary Pratt into the Project administration, noting that Gary already serves on the Getaway Committee and has significant experience in administration and with non-profit organizations. Gary has special needs concerning transportation and access, and Steve requested volunteers to assist him.


Treasurer Chris Riemer was unable to attend, and rested on his report. Mike Agranoff noted the existence of discrepancies between his Minstrel reports and Treasurer’s reports, and will look into the issue.



Chair George Otto noted that every August, he “cleans” the Newsletter of outdated or inaccurate copy, and suggested that other venue chairs use August for similar functions.

Lois DeRitter expressed thanks that the print Newsletter has begun to use more easily-breakable tape.


Chair Joanne Cronin added that her report omitted two new members. Pat Brangs noted that a few additional memberships were obtained at the last Getaway.

Sound Reinforcement:

Chair John Mahon reported that he is fine-tuning the [already excellent, sec’y] sound in the hall, and that the quality of Concert Window simulcasts continues to improve.

Kathi Caccavale noted that MUF has advised that the sound board has not been left set correctly following Minstrel concerts, and that issues may exist with the sound-board computer.

Special Concerts/Uke Fest: WRITTEN REPORT

Chair Pam Robinson was unable to attend. She wrote that Uke Fest was “wonderful and in the black,” and referred the Board to an article re Fest appearing at President Steve led congratulations and rousing applause for Pam following August’s highly successful Uke Fest.


Chair Lindsey Meyer was unable to attend, and no developments were reported.

Horses Sing None of It: WRITTEN REPORT

Chair Sandie Reilly was unable to attend. Representative Ken Brody relied on Ralph Litwin’s report.


Chair Mark Schaffer reported that sales for the Fall Getaway are in a not-unusual summer slump, with 105 of 160 slots taken, and he will step up preparations during September. He noted that Spring Getaway will be held on May 17-19, 2019, a week earlier than usual.

Minstrel Staffing:

Chair Jean Scully noted ongoing problems with filling all of the volunteer positions. While she is not sure of the reasons, she suggested that the pitch-in spirit of Minstrel may be reduced because the hall does not need to be set up for shows. Paul Fisher suggested having volunteers sign up for multiple, fixed dates rather than for a single show, and Jean was receptive.

Joanne Cronin suggested that the earlier start time may impact on people’s ability to volunteer. Mark Schaffer noted that OpenStage is asking volunteers to sign up for permanent slots, and Jean suggested that OpenStage seems to have developed the spirit of the old Minstrel. She also suggested that Minstrel stop serving coffee as a way of reducing demands on volunteers.


Chair Paul Fisher added that Lori Falco is stepping down from her responsibility for Electronic Communications. The Board warmly applauded Lori for her accomplishments. Paul also reported that Kathi Caccavale will be taking over responsibility for Facebook communications from Pam Robinson.

Minstrel Booking: WRITTEN REPORT

Chair Mike Agranoff reported that he is looking into advance ticket sales. Lori F. noted that doing so would affect other venues and functions, and asked that it be considered carefully so that it does not result in an increased burden for FP volunteers. Mike noted that during a week in which no one volunteered for the Bookkeeper slot, he was able to pay the artists but perform the remaining Bookkeeper functions at home. [This was a good save, not a good alternative, sec’y].


Chair Mitch Radler was unable to attend. Mark Schaffer reported that he is pinch-hitting while Mitch attends to family responsibilities. President Steve lauded the teamwork.Mike Agranoff suggested that volunteers for OS be recruited by approaching OS performers individually.

Community Services: WRITTEN REPORT

Co-chair Pat Brangs reported on the sad and the happy: Grover Kemble lost his sister, while long-time Projectiles Chris Riemer and Judy Felton Storey were married.


Chair Leigh Walker was unable to attend, and relied on his report.

Event Hosting:

Chair Jean Scully reported that hosts for the November and December Evenings of Music have not yet been found. Jean asked Steve H. if he would host the December Eve O’; El Presidente replied that he would check with his Internal Affairs Committee.


Elizabeth Lachowicz and Dave Heistand reported on their research concerning the Board’s efforts to improve collegiality and communications skills among Board members, to culminate in a Board retreat. They have spoken extensively with Bill Pawlucy, a consultant who specializes in non-profit boards. Elizabeth noted that “strong feelings” on the part of Board members have gotten in the way of everyone’s desire to advance the good of the Project, and that an outside opinion would help in resolving ongoing issues. Dave noted that working with a consultant will involve a substantial commitment of time, work and money, but will be well worth it. Lively and supportive discussion ensued, and Dave and Elizabeth will continue their research.

Elizabeth noted that the initial cost estimate for a consultant’s services was $5,000, but that as much as $10,000 might be necessary. Elizabeth, seconded by Joanne Cronin posited that the expense would be well worth it for the future of the Board and the Project. George Otto expressed that more information should be gotten before the Board commits to the expenditure.

While President Steve had hoped to hold the retreat this year, he recognized that considerations of time and the value of including next year’s new Board members in the process may dictate doing so next year.


In Secretary Jay Wilensky’s absence [curse you, tire gremlins! sec’y], President Steve announced, and the Board accepted, the formation of a Nominating Committee, chaired by Jay, to select a slate of officers and trustees for next year. Nomcom will consist of Jay, Jean Scully, Mike Agranoff, Olga Alvarez, Lois DeRitter, and Steve Humphreys.

Steve noted that Chimney Rock, in Gillette, where the annual Board dinner/meeting has been held, was noisy last year to an extent that it impeded the meeting. George Otto replied that we are not locked into Chimney Rock, and alternatives were discussed.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:57 p.m. The next meeting will be held on October 2, 2018, at Marie Trontell and Jay Wilensky’s Western Outpost and Saloon.

Submitted in the spirit of the Project,

Jay Wilensky, Secretary