Newsletter Report

Newsletter Committee Report 2015-06 Things are proceeding as usual with the invaluable help from Pat Brangs, Nancy Kelner, Liz Pagan, Bill Henderson, Paul Fisher, and Eddie Roffman. Now that I have been editing the newsletter for over a year, it seemed a good time to get a sense of what the readership thought about some of the recent changes made to the newsletter and how they compared with the more traditional items. Lori helped set up a Constant Contact survey that was announced in the latest newsletter and also via email to the membership. Results are still coming in, and there is still some shifting of position, but I thought I’d report on the front runners so far. Respondents: 42 Electronic delivery vs. paper: 70%/30% All items were positive, i.e. above neutral. Traditional items generally had higher scores than the new items. Ranking of most-liked traditional items: 1) Calendar 2) Music Venues 3) Gigs & Friends/Board Meeting Summary (tie) Ranking of most-liked new items: 1) Meet the Board 2) The Prez Sez 3) Table of Contents/Web links in committee reports (tie) The survey has only been posted for two weeks, so things may still change, but the leaders have been on top from the start. Sincerely,

George Otto (908) 604-4623