Newsletter Report

Hi All,

I want to thank everyone for getting the submissions in to Liz on time as you all did this month. I appreciate the hard work, co-operation and teamwork that you have all put forth for the good of our Folk Project. And I especially appreciate Liz for all her hard work and dedication. I know, everyone will continue to expend their energies in an effort to get everything to Liz on time, and I thank you all in advance for that. This Month, I had 400 copies of the newsletter printed up.They were ready for pickup on Thursday the 30th. We mailed out 290 newsletters on Friday morning, the 31st, including ten I sent to Rick for new membership. I also dropped off 50 copies at the Minstrel last Thursday and will bring some to the meeting tonight.

We did ok for printing costs this month. As I reported last month, we would be getting a better discount for January than we did in December; and we did. Using reward coupons from two months and the 20% discount, we were able to lower the printing costs from $332.00 to $83.60 for a savings of $284.40. The postage costs came to $132.00 for 300 Stamps. So our total newsletter costs this month were 215.60

I'll see you all this evening at the meeting.

Carl Croce