Sound Reinforcement

Sound Reinforcement Committee Report – Oct. 2021

The month of September saw the sound staff providing sufficient coverage for all the Troubadour shows. There were a few minor glitches after being “off-line” for 18 months. Another issue is the addition of video broadcasting to Facebook, an activity new since the restart. We now have to provide the technical support for video broadcasting which adds to the manpower budget for the night. In addition, MUUF’s video equipment must be reassembled for our Friday night event as it is used by MUUF for their Sunday service outdoors and then stored on their transport cart. We essentially have to assemble and connect a TV studio each night.

Although, for the most part, this ran smoothly, there was one night that was severely compromised. MUUF had stored fifty songbooks and a storage table on the camera platform preventing the timely assembling of the video equipment. This delay pushed back the completion of all other preparations, leaving little time to program the connection to Facebook. In addition Facebook changed the screens in the video connection sequence. This led to a 40 minute delay in completing the connection and even worse, it created a commotion at the back of the performance room during the performance, as staff struggled with this issue. Fortunately, the problem was a simple procedural issue, once identified, will not return in the future.

We are still awaiting for MUUF to start its technical renovation. The latest informal information is that it will happen in the 1st of 2nd week of October. Waiting on this is several Folk Project goals. We need its completion so we can document sound and video procedures which will allow us to train new technical people which is also waiting. We will keep you informed as this situation develops.