Email Forwarders Pro Tem Committee



Mike Agranoff (Chair)

Elizabeth Lachowicz

Gary Pratt

John Lamb

Allan Kugel

The Email Forwarders Pro-Tem Committee was convened to resolve confusion caused by the and email forwarders. (Henceforth in this report all such forwarders will be given in the all caps format such as FULLBOARD and EXECBOARD in order to retard the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome on the part of the Committee Chair.) These forwarders have been commonly misused in the past, and Board members and others have not known who were the recipients of emails sent to those forwarders.

The Committee met on February 17 and February 22, 2021, and came up with the following proposals. I do not believe that a motion is necessary to implement these proposals, as the actions decided upon fall under the normal operations of the Webmaster (John Lamb, who is a member of this Committee), and he can implement them as he sees fit. We have agreed on the following actions:

We will suspend use of the EXECBOARD and FULLBOARD forwarders. They will remain live until the end of April, but will also generate an auto-response explaining the new forwarders below, and requesting that the recipient use them in future. Starting May 1, those forwarders will no longer forward, but still give the auto-response.

1. We will create a BOARD forwarder (equivalent of the retired EXECBOARD), which will go to all voting members of the Board of Directors. (ie, Officers, Trustees, and Committee Chairs)

2. We will create a BOARDPLUS forwarder (equivalent of the retired FULLBOARD) which will go to all voting Board members, plus selected interested parties, such as Webmaster, other specific members of Committees involved in Board business, and past Board members still interested in the workings of the Board.

3. We will send out an explanatory email ( “Email Forwarders” below) to everyone on BOARDPLUS, explaining the usage of BOARD and BOARDPLUS.

4. After the March 2021 Board meeting, the Webmaster will compile a list of everybody on BOARDPLUS who is not on BOARD, and poll everyone on that list (“BoardPlus Houskeeping” below) to ask if they wish to remain on BOARDPLUS. That poll will be on an “Opt-in” basis; that is, they will have to reply in the positive in order to remain on the list.

5. Every January when we have a new Board of Directors, those persons leaving the Board will automatically be added to the BOARDPLUS forwarder. At that time, the Webmaster will compile a list of everybody on this new BOARDPLUS list who is not on BOARD, and poll everyone on that revised list to ask if they wish to remain on BOARDPLUS. Similarly, that poll will be “Opt-in”.

6. If the occasion arises where any member of the Board feels that someone on BOARDPLUS should be removed from that list, they will bring that matter to the attention of the President or Vice President. Between them they will come to a decision on the matter, and direct the Webmaster to remove that person from BOARDPLUS should they so decide. They may or may not also direct the Webmaster to inactivate that person’s email address should they feel that such a person should not have the ability to send messages as if acting in the name of the Folk Project.

In addition, for the information of anyone who wishes to know, below is a list of all current members of BOARDPLUS who are not on BOARD, provided by Webmaster, John Lamb

Alicia Weimer

Bill Cox

Bob Safranek

Bobbie Rosengarten

Charles Lamb

Christine DeLeon

Connie Crawford

Dave Sherman

David Heistand

Eddie Roffman

Frank Sole

Gregory More

Jim Gartner

Joe Graziano

John Lamb

Kathi Caccavale

Kevin Redden

Loretta Brooks

Lori Falco

Margy Capecelatro

Nancy Kelner

Pat Brangs

Rachel Streich

Ralph Litwin

Rick Thomas

Sandy Jackson

Steve Humphreys

Respectfully Submitted, February 24, 2021

Mike Agranoff, Forwarders Committee Chair.

Folk Project email forwarders

In the recent past there have been some misunderstandings about who receives messages sent to and, and when each of those forwarders should be used. To clear that up, we’ve re-named them to be more indicative of who receives messages sent to those addresses as follows:

• has been changed to

This address reaches all current voting members of the Board, consisting of our Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer), Trustees and Chairs of standing committees. It should be used for content that is privy to voting Board members, and not to be discussed outside the Board.

• has been changed to

This address reaches everyone on plus other key volunteers and some previous board members. It should be used for general messages to the working body of the Folk Project’s operating personnel.

Please use these forwarders from now on. The old forwarders will be retired at the end of April 2021. And please be careful about which address you use when sending a message. In particular, if you receive email sent to, do not forward your reply to!

After the March Board Meeting, and in January of future years, everyone on the BoardPlus list who is not on the Board will receive a message asking if they wish to be kept on the BoardPlus list. That will be an “opt-in” invitation. If non-Board members want to stay, they must affirm that intent. If they do not reply, they will be removed from the list.

There are three ways to find out more about our email forwarders.

• Obtain a list from Back Office containing the names and purposes of our forwarders by accessing Look near the top of the list of files for something like 202102FolkProjectEmailGroups.pdf. Note that the numbers at the start will vary to reflect the date of the most recent update. Underneath the filename, click View to display it or Download to get your own copy. This list does not contain the names of the individuals on the forwarder, only their position or a Folk Project group that they are part of.

• You may use Google Groups to see the names of individuals on each list. To do this, access and log in using your user ID and password. (Many of you may not realize that you have such credentials, but everyone receiving this email already assuredly does.} For help with your user ID or password, contact Once on Google Groups, click on All groups on the menu at left to get a list of our email forwarders. Click on the name of any forwarder, then on Members in the menu at left to see who is reached by that forwarder. Some forwarders reference other forwarders, so it may be necessary to drill down another level or two to find everyone.

• When in doubt, or if all else fails, contact who will cheerfully provide the information that you request.

BoardPlus Housekeeping

We are performing a periodic housecleaning of the email forwarder (formerly, of which you are a recipient. This list is meant to reach the working body of the Folk Project’s operating personnel, including current board members, key volunteers and interested former Board members. If you wish to remain on this forwarder, please confirm that intent by responding to this email with a statement like “Yes, keep me on the list.” If you tell us “No, thanks,” or do not reply, we’ll remove you from the list with thanks for your past service and interest.