


With no original programming, our numbers dropped as expected. We had 54 views, a total watch time of 3.6 hours, and one new subscriber (for a total of 260).

Personal issues have kept me distracted from doing interviews, but I hope to get those back on track soon.

For those interested in specifics, our most popular programming continues to be the shows with live interviews and current performances.

Best regards,

Joseph Guzzo

Folk Project Television

(908) 456-5006


Now that the new site has been up and running for a couple of months, we are starting to spend more time with routine maintenance than with patching holes and correcting typos. We did add a couple of new features, however. At Jay Wilensky's request, we added the Video Link du Jour, which lists a different link each night of the week that directs viewers to whatever show (if any) is going on that day. At Tina Ross' request, we added an entry for her new Inside the Song webcast and will be adding a new page similar to the one for Folk Project TV that profiles her show. The more mundane maintenance included some updates for FPTV, helping Ralph Litwin in entering new broadcast dates for Horses Sing None of It, showing Mark Schaffer how to enter shows for Streaming Tuesdays, adding a listing for the second Afternoon of Music in the park, setting up an alert message for the late start of the Mad Agnes concert when the opening act had to cancel on short notice and a little bit of the never-ending email address and forwarding updates. All in all a reasonably busy month, but not quite as crazy as the prior two.

Unrelated to the website, but still in the general scheme of technical support, Mike Agranoff and I came up with a number of revisions for the Tally Sheet that he uses to keep track of the money flow at Troubadour concerts and I spent a fair amount of time rewriting the Excel Spreadsheet that implements that Tally Sheet.

We can still use another team member or two going forward, particularly one with WordPress experience. If you hear of anyone interested in helping out with the website, send them our way. We will gladly train.

As always, many thanks to Allan, Charles, Liz and Lori. Please send questions, comments and suggestions to

Stats from Google AdWords and Analytics for the calendar month of SEPTEMBER:

User sessions - 3046 for an average of 101.5 4.8 per day representing a decrease of 3.1% over the previous report. Fewest (46) on Sep. 26, most (157) onSep. 20.

Total number of unique users - 2254, an decrease of 4.0% over the previous report.

Returning users accounted for 15.6% of all sessions.

Total page views 5094 down 6.5% over the previous report for an average of 1.7 pages per session.

Average session duration - 1 minute 14 seconds. This is down by 13.1% over the previous month.

Notable number of references to us from other sites: (20)

We reached users in 45 countries on 6 continents.

Our most frequently visited pages were the home page (1539 pageviews), the Troubadour Calendar page (369) and the eNewsletter Download page (165). The only other page receiving at least 100 pageviews was the single event page for Jesse Rubin and Bill Buttner.