Internal Affairs Report

Hello Friends,

Alas I can't attend to tonight's meeting because I am swamped with work on tight deadlines.

So here's my report:

January's EoM was at Eddie & Robin Roffman's, who gallantly stepped up when I was unable to find anyone else to host.

I really, really need folks to offer to host EoMs!! We've lost a few of our regular hosts over the last couple of years, so I'd love to get some more newcomers or first-timers to host! Please email me. You don't need to have a huge mansion, just a home with one room big enough for a decent sized circle, and some other room for people to slip off and jam in.

February's Evening o' Music is at Jeff & Maureen Heilbrun's in Mountain Lakes

March's EoM is at the home of Mark & Robin, but will be hosted by Rick & Cathy Thomas as their last hurrah before they head off to the Left Coast. They will be bringing a ham or turkey or something in addition to the usual goodies. I would love to do something special for them but haven't come up with anything clever yet.

April is at Alan & Cecilia's in Highland Park.

May is open.

June is at Amy Livingston & Brian Hudson's.

July, August are open

September is Liz & Dave

October through December are open.

This Friday is the Valentine's Show, under the aegis of Internal Affairs. This is our fund-raiser for the year and allows me to spend lavishly for the Pick-a-nick. Menu will be mini pastries and fruit salad; the bakery gave me a discount since I've been back every year for four years now.

Jean Scully