
A report for August 6, 2014

Minstrel sound system:

Nothing major to report this month. Little odds and ends still need and have receieved some attention, but the system functions as intended. The monitor speakers are rattling around a bit and a couple of the connections on the snake need replacement. The commitee will find a couple of hours to make these repairs, and we'd like to spend a maximum of $50 for the parts. The specifics of which will be determined once we take the speakers apart.

Expense request: $50, if that (I've yet to submit an expense for odds and ends)

Sound at the door

The soundies have been in the habit of setting up the speaker and wireless mic, and charging the batteries.

Updating the Folk Project's equipment

Last month's report about purchasing new speakers got a lot of favorable response from folks outside of the Sound Reinforcement Committee, and I agree it's long been time to update a few things. Even on a good night, the sound at the Minstrel is often nasal and plastic-sounding. Routines are preferred by those operating the equipment, but with what I have in mind the change in routine will be minimal but the improvement in sound quality will be worth the change.

The first step would be to replace the two main speakers, purchase a case on rollers to store them, and purchase heavy-duty cabling for these speakers at a length for our needs. I'd like to investigate rugged speaker poles that will still fit our storage area.

These speakers will be powered in that the amplifiers are built into the speaker cabinet. They are bi-amped, meaning each speaker within the cabinet has a separate and descrete amplifier, which is very desirable in speakers. This improvement reduces and nearly eliminates the bulge in sound reproduction in the frequency range common to both speakers (cross-over frequency) when powered by one amplifier, thus reducing almost all of the equalization required when operating the system. Users will find that tweeking of the parametric knobs on the mixing board will be much less, and less extreme. These are 1000W speakers, meaning that at our volumes the amplifiers will not be working hard, insuring us the cleanest sound reproduction. Too, the signal feed for these speakers will travel through the "return" channels in the snake, eliminating the need to run separate speaker wires in addition to the snake, eliminating also the loss in such a length of wire.

The monitor amplifier will be removed from the console and kept on the stage near the snake, eliminating the extra wire as well. The 31-band equalizers will remain in the console to allow the operator complete control. Moving the amplifiers to the stage removes the operator's ability to hear the cooling fans within the amplifier, which affects the way the operator hears the room during sound check.

With powered main speakers, the two-channel amp can now provide two descrete monitor mixes, sometimes needed for the bigger acts and often requested by touring groups of two performers or more. Or, it can provide power to four monitor speakers with one mix, thus reducing the overall volume of all of the monitors which adds less of the sound of the monitors heard by the audience. The flexibility is there.

Our current "main" speakers will become monitor wedges on Minstrel nights that require additional stage monitor coverage, and can be used as needed for other occasions, such as Uke Fest and Weekend Getaways. When not in use, they can stay in the storage box.

I've heard several sets of powered speakers, and the ones I recommend for the price are Electro-Voice ZLX 15P, 2 @ $499. Road case $599 for both. Amp bag $85. Cables and Misc: $200. Some of the big boxes offer occasional discounts, and I have discount cards for some, so I can look for the best deal. Guitar Center, for example, recently had a 15% off sale for we regulars.

Total request: $1885

Before approving this, the Board needs to understand that MUUF is again considering a permanent sound system.

Permanent MUUF sound

There have been discussions with MUUF recently, Mike Agranoff and I met with a representative in July, and I've looked over the proposals they've received thus far. They have a $12k budget with which to work, and they are trying to do a lot with the $12k. None of the proposals so far have come in within budget. MUUF is looking to include wireless mics, video recording and projection within the budget. I again stressed that one of the best sound system improvement would be to spend $1000 on curtains for the wall behind the altar.

For the Folk Project's interest, the discussion includes ceiling-mounted speakers, permanent wiring (replacing our snake) and a console to be used both groups.

What remains to be seen is the time frame in which they expect to work, and whether this new effort will bear fruit at all. But we'll stay with it and be as helpful and proactive as we can. A Folk Project contribution may help steer the equipment selections in our favor. Even if only for the curtains.

I have followed up with MUUF since our meeting, and we'll hopefully have more to report next month.


....Mike Del Vecchio