The Swingin' Tern Committee Report for October 1:

We had the best September in memory.

On the first Saturday, ST hosted Phase X and Dan Black for a techno contra, featuring music with a strong beat and black lights. It appealed to a younger and different crowd, and despite the $5 increase in admission from the last techno, 26 more dancers attended. Financially, the dance netted over $300. It was a lot of work for Suzanne, Doug, Xander, Joel and our other ST volunteers, but it was worth it.

On the third Saturday, ST hosted a traditional contra. Bill Fisher and Wry Bred were funny and good and more than popular with the dancers. The dance netted $15 -- the first positive third-Saturday result in years, and it happened on Glenside's opening night this year (Glenside is an excellent dance on third Saturdays, and its area overlaps ST's ). Fivefirst-time dancers attended, which is with the normal range. But a dozen new-but-not-first-time dancers attended, which is unusually good.

Leigh Walker

Swingin' Tern