Publicity Report

Hi, folks. Have had a bad cold for a week and will not be at the board meeting tomorrow night. Here is my report.

Nancy K.


Report for Oct. board meeting

Represented The Folk Project on Sept. 22 at the Morris County Freeholders meeting. Room was packed. They read a proclamation designating October as Arts and Humanities Month. About a dozen other arts organizations were represented and we went around the room introducing ourselves and naming our organization. After the proclamation was read, the reps got together for a photo. Regards from Lynn Seibert and Anne Aronovitch of Arts Council of the Morris Area. Anne specifically said, “I love you guys!”

After the photo, stopped into the Morris County Tourism Bureau. Met Deidre Schunk, one of our contacts, who requested that our flyers be narrower to better attract tourists. Will comply. Then stopped into the offices of NJ Monthly to introduce our organization to our new contact, Drew Anne Scarantino, who handles the events calendar, both on line and in print.

At the last board meeting, I asked if NJ Skylands magazine/website could have a link on our website. Believe the board thought it was all right; is someone taking care of this?

Spoke to NJ Kids Guide to ensure Minstrel and Swingin’ Tern will be listed in their upcoming winter/spring issue. Minstrel is already listed; Swingin’ Tern will be added.

The publicity committee has grown again, with Will Miles taking responsibility for posting to two Internet calendars. There are now 9 members on the committee.

This item needs board action. The Hometown Quarterly is a 10x13 publication that is mailed first class to approximately 90,000 single-family homes in parts of Essex, Union, Morris and Somerset Counties. List of towns is below. The HQ includes stories about businesses, lots of ads, and coupons. Am asking the board for $525 to pay for an ad. This is a nonprofit rate, reduced from $700. They are holding a place for us for a 1/6 page ad in the next issue. Someone would have to develop the ad and email it to me immediately to make the next issue. By my calculations, we would reach a minimum of 90,000 people at less than one cent per person. The ad measures 3 inches across x 5-3/4 inches down. It can have a photo and should at the very least have the FP logo.

Does the board want to pursue this now or wait until the spring issue? Someone please email me after the board meeting and let me know what the board decides. Thanks.