Event Hosting


MAY, 2021

At the risk of bragging, I’m happy to report that April was another terrific moth for Event Hosting. We held four Monday Zoom song circles, with attendance ranging from approximately 20 to 30. The musical level has been remarkably high. More importantly, one of our regulars recently wrote that “[m]any” of our circlers, who literally live all over the continent, “have become dear friends, like family even.”

Also, we’ve been very fortunate in attracting name performers to do feature appearances. In April, Project favorites Peppino D’Agostino and Gina Forsyth dropped in. Shawna Caspi blew us away on May 3. And, we have a guest scheduled for every Monday (except for Memorial Day) through the second week of June, including Deni Bonet, Lara Herscovitch, and Laurie McAllister.

I’m hopeful that what began as an emergency lifeline when the pandemic hit will continue to be a regular Project event. Major thanks to the entire Stayaway team for the initial idea and ongoing support.

Event Hosting is also responsible for our (in normal times) annual Fourth of July picnic. Given the news and the most recent guidelines, it looks increasingly likely that we will be able to hold the event in some form this year. I have submitted that as an agenda item for the May meeting.

Submitted in the spirit of the Project,

Jay Wilensky, Event Hosting chair