
Folk Project Board of Directors Meeting 8:00 PM, Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at the home of Steve and Christine Humphries


I. Call To Order - 8 PM

A. Acceptance of Sept. 2015 Minutes - Andrew

B. Presidents Report - Barrett

C. Treasurers Report - Chris

II. Old Business

A. Lori - Motions on Financial Solutions Comm Recommendations

B. George - Folk Project trademarking

III. New Business

A. Christine - Motion to change name of Internal Affairs to Event Hosting

B. Elizabeth - Motion to remove the Merchandizing Chairmanship as a formal Board position, and place merchandizing under Publicity. Margaret Crowl will take over.

IV. Committee Reports

A. Newsletter - George

B. Minstrel Staffing - Barrett

C. Swingin’ Tern - Leigh

D. Community Services - Pat

E. Special Concerts - Scooter

F. Publicity / Web - Paul

G. Membership - Eddie/Deborah

H. Getaway - Mark

I. Electronic Communications - Lori

J. Horses Sing Non of It - Ken

K. Minstrel Booking - Mike A.

L. Internal Affairs - Christine

M. Sound Reinforcement - Mike D.

V. Adjournment - Motion

VI. GoTo - Joanne

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Barrett Wilson

President - The Folk Project

Staffing Chairman - The Minstrel Acoustic Concert Series