January 2023

Mike Agranoff was invited by Abbie Turner to go with her to look at absolutely over-the-top Christmas decorated houses in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn on the Tuesday before Christmas. In February 4th and 5th he will be performing at the South Florida Folk Festival followed by a vacation with Jenny in the Fort Lauderdale area.

Mark Schaffer's friend Joel Glassman said hello. They are enjoying their two month grandchild who lives on the other side of town, and Robin's return to writing. He will miss Song Writer Getaway because he will be in Puerto Rico. Diane Polledri will be hosting with Tina Ross. He and Robin drove the new electric car to Florida to visit Robin's mom. Robin flew home.

Peggy Karr got her right eye cataract removed and is enjoying a much brighter world.

John and Kris Lamb visited their daughter Kirsten, her husband AJ and their 4-month old son Julian in Boston over Christmas. Julian is their first grandchild.

Paul Fisher reported that he and Gloria contracted Covid and while it was a mild case, it took eleven days before they tested negative.

Bob McNally and Sandi Garris visited St. Croix December 5th to 19th. When they got back, they celebrated Christmas with his children in New Jersey and her children and grandchildren in Pennsylvania. On Tuesday, January 9th, he will be performing, along with Tina Ross, Todd Dennison and John Hone, a benefit for Ukraine.

Jean Scully celebrated her husband Dave's 75th birthday on December 20th and celebrated Christmas with Von and Gwen at their house. They also went to New York to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular (Jean's birthday present to Dave). while there, they also saw the tree at Rockefeller Center and Saint Patrick's Cathedral. On New Year's Day they went to Duke Farm. On her birthday, she is going to New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Pamela Zave recommends donating to U24.gov.ua which is President Zelensky's own charity.

George Otto celebrated his 77th birthday on December 19th.

Tina Ross will be performing at the Hurdy Gurdy in Fair Lawn on Saturday. Jan 7, at 8 pm with Sam Robbins, Halley Neal and KJ Denhert. they will be performing, answering questions and generally interacting with the audience. This event is based on Tina's highly regarded "Inside the Song" series.

Elizabeth Lachowicz got to play Santa Clause for her siblings' children and grandchildren and is enjoying her time in Chicago with her family and friends.

Sam Edelston will be a featured artist at the 35th annual "Mountain Dulcimer Music Festival" the first weekend in March, outside of Albany, NY. He noted that he has been teaching at it for the last 10 years.