Sound Reinforcement

Feb. 2: We'll call today Sound Hog Day, honoring those who sonically balance the needs of the performers and the audience against the room and the abilities of the equipment. Hats off to all who have, past, present and future.

As for the work of the committee, things have been moving along. Little issues have come and gone, some of which are related to the aging snake. We've been patching it together to keep it working, knowing that any month now the new MUF system will be functioning and the venerable Folk Project snake will be needed only for external events such as The Getaway. The old Sanctuary console is still at Dave's Sound for a cleaning, and will be picked up on an upcoming day off.

Mix-Master training sessions

As most of you know, we've begun using the Open Stage as a training night to permit sound hogs to hone their skills at mixing and blending and listening. The Open Stages are ideal as there are many set-ups and many changes and many voices. And the Open Stages are informal enough that few discussions at the console won't disrupt the performance or audience members, as is the case during a formal Minstrel performance. Begun in November, the training has been a success with both new and regular operators working together and sharing experience and ideas, and getting more familiar with the new equipment. Our newest member is Becca Kaian of Madison who has experience at other venues and has taken to our system very quickly. She's been promoted to head sound, and Amy Livingston has been made aware.

Permanent MUF Sound

MUF is ready to begin construction and installation of the new system. The original plan was January, which turned out to be a false start. But one of these days we're going to arrive on a Friday night and find that things have started. The addition of 160-plus brand new padded chairs has made a huge sonic improvement to that room. We're optimistic that the new system will perform well, and that we'll be able to make quick use of the web-casting capabilities that MUF designed in.