Swingin' Tern

Swingin' Tern has had two more good dances--January 19 and February 2--since the last board meeting. Net income was $75, after all expenses.

Not only is Swingin' Tern doing well financially, but we are getting many newcomers: fifteen at our last dance, some of them college students.

On April 6 we are having a double dance with Perpetual e-Motion, an excellent and popular band. From 4-6 PM there will be an experienced dance we are advertising only to the contra community. From 8-11 PM will be our normal dance, with a higher admission of $15 (vs. $10 normally). The performer fees are much more than usual, but many people have already told us they will attend these dances.

In summary, things are going well so far this year.

Leigh Walker

Swingin' Tern