December 2021


The 2021 annual meeting was called to order at 8:20 pm, via Zoom, by President Elizabeth Lachowicz.


Present: Trustees: Todd Dennison, Bob McNally, Allan Kugel, Pamela Zave, Joe Guzzo; Officers: Elizabeth Lachowicz*, Paul Fisher*, Peggy Karr, Jeff Canter*; Committees: Mark Schaffer, Leigh Walker, Gary Pratt, Evelyn Maurer, Mike Agranoff, George Otto, Jean Scully, Lindsey Meyer, John Mahon, Sandie Reilly, Sam Edelston; Absent: Diane Polledri Guests: Pat Brangs, Cathy Ballard, William Cox, Phil Fraulino, Eitan Grunwald

*Also Trustees


Treasurer Peggy Karr reported that she hired a new bookkeeper who is working out nicely and they are clearing up the issues with the financials for the new report. Additionally, she got a new checking account number and obtained FP credit cards, which are also working out nicely. She also reported that she set up the new physical address for the FP. Her future plans include setting up a financial committee. She thanked Mark Schaffer and Elizabeth Lachowicz for the support they provided while she was ill.


President Elizabeth Lachowicz thanked all the volunteers for all the work they did to improve the FP during the Pandemic including enforcing CDC guidelines and ensuring the safety of performers and audience members. She thanked Vice President Paul Fisher for all the work he did to transition the FP through the Pandemic year. She looks forward to 2022 with the expectations that FP will become even better, hoping to expand and multiply the opportunities for FP members and performers.


Streaming: Chair Gary Pratt reported that the Streaming Committee was formed this year to serve the entire FP with the experience and knowledge gained from the Acoustic Stayaway series. While the committee has not formally met, they worked together to provide technical assistance and hosting for the Troubadour and Open Stage at Home, to create online paid live events for Troubadour, and provide support and advice for Joe Guzzo and Tina Ross for their online shows and the Streaming Tuesday series. Plans for 2022 include implementing a standard platform for streaming concerts. He thanked Kathi Caccavale, Todd Dennison, John Lamb, Bob McNally, Sam Edelston, George Otto and Mark Schaffer.

Publicity/Web: Chair Sam Edelston commented on how much he was honored to be asked to lead the Publicity committee and how happy he was to be advertising a product he so enthusiastically endorsed. Their big effort has been concentrated on advertising live events and is looking for ways to improve. The number one priority are the Troubadour live events. There will also be an renewed effort to promote the other venues. He added that he has had contact with members of most of the other FP venues and was really impressed by their enthusiasm and passion. He thanked Mark Schaffer, Kathi Caccavale, Paul Fisher, Deborah Graham, Jim Gartner, Michael Mitsch, Pat Brangs and Gary Pratt. He especially thanked John Lamb who was instrumental in the complete redesign of the FP website, consuming more then 1000 hours of combined effort, which occurred while simultaneously maintaining the interim website.

Sound Reinforcement: Chair John Mahon reported that while sound reinforcement efforts did not resume until September, they were able to provide sound for all the events since then, and were able to incorporate the sound for the Facebook video broadcasts. They are waiting for the MUF renovations of their in-house sound, and once that is complete, they will begin training for new sound engineers.

Archives: Chair Lindsey Meyer reported that Rutgers archives has been closed due to Covid and water damage from Hurricane Ida, and while the collections were not damaged, they are not accepting new artifacts and we cannot access any material stored there. She reported that they recovered a photo album covering 1988 to 1993 containing photos and hand written letters. Lindsey urged anyone with archival material to hold on to it if they can, or contact her if they can't.

Open Stage: Chair Todd Dennison reported that the attendance has improved every month since opening in September. The November show had 51 attendees and 36 more online. The December show is also fully booked. 2022 will include opening the Terrace Room and a seminar by Frank Sole preceding the show. He thanked Mark Schaffer, Tina Ross, John Mahon, Bill Henderson, Diane Polledri, John Hone, Jean Scully, Gary Pratt and Amy Livingston.

Troubadour Booking: Chair Mike Agranoff reported that the Troubadour reopened to a audience which was less then half the size of the pre-Covid attendance, averaging about 40 paid attendees per night, with the exception of the Cristine Lavin show which had 95 paid attendees. Due to the reduced attendance, along with the MUF higher rental fees, concerts have lost about $400 per show, which so far has been covered by donations by Bill Henderson ($3800) and Jules Schneider ($1000). Mike has resolved to cover any Troubadour shortfalls going forward. He thanked John Lamb for all his help.

Community Services: Chair Evelyn Maurer reported that we learned of six members have passed away, including the recent loss of Bill Staines. On a happier note she reported the engagement of Von Scully and Jenna Worrell and the wedding of Todd Dennison to Annie Donahue.

Swingin’ Tern: Chair Leigh Walker reported that they held one dance in November, which was free to participants. Donations led to a $600 profit. They also had a dance in December.

Newsletter: Chair George Otto reported that the Newsletter team has tracked all the activity changes caused by the Pandemic including openings and closings of other venues to keep the membership informed. They are also doing a continuing analysis of how the Newsletter effectiveness, which has shown that the membership has been following the Newsletter, which he expects to further improve in 2022. He thanked Kathi Caccavale, Liz Pagan, Pat Brangs, Bill Henderson and Gary Pratt.

Membership: Chair Gary Pratt reported that the FP has 363 members which is a decrease of 60 members since last year. He attributed the decline to the effects of Covid on live performances, especially the Acoustic Getaway which prompted many lapsed members to renew. Another reason was that monthly membership renewal letters had not been going out regularly. However, this is improving due to the online events and reopening of live events. He is optimistic that 2022 will see further improvement with continued reopening of new venues and the new leadership of Todd Dennison. He thanked Deborah Graham, Karyn and Eitan Grunwald.

Horses Sing None Of It: Chair Sandie Reilly is looking forward to reopening HSNOI in January, 2022.

Special Events: Chair Mark Schaffer reported that the highlight of the year for Special Events was the Troubadour at Home series which gave vaccinated attendees an opportunity to attend a live event. The series attracted between 25 and 40 attendees, and the performing artists were appreciative of having a live venue. He reported learning a lot about adapting events during Covid. This year, the Uke Fest was designed to be an home concert which had 50 attendees and would probably serve as a model for live events in 2022. He thanked Elizabeth Lachowicz and his team who he really enjoys working with.

Troubadour Staffing: Chair Jean Scully reported that the volunteer force has suffered a similar two-thirds reduction to the attendance. She commended her "team of stalwarts" who have managed to keep the live events running every week. She highlighted the efforts of Bill Dodds and Amy Livingston. She reported adding the new position of Vaccine Checker, which has so far effectively assured that all participants were vaccinated.

Election of New Trustees : There are nine trustees in Folk Project with three trustees elected each year. The candidates this year were Bob McNally, Todd Dennison and Elizabeth Lachowicz. In addition, Tina Ross has been nominated to replace Diane Polledri, who is retiring early. Tina would serve until 2023. All trustees were elected unanimously.


Annual Meeting was adjourned at 9:42 p.m.


The December 7, 2021 meeting was called to order at 9:43 pm, via Zoom, by President Elizabeth Lachowicz.


    • Motion made to accept the November minutes. Motion passed unanimously.

    • Motion made to add Peggy Karr as a board member. Motion passed unanimously.

    • Motion made to elect the four officer candidates, Elizabeth Lachowicz (President), Paul Fisher (Vice President) Peggy Karr (Treasurer) and Jeff Canter (Secretary). Motion passed unanimously.

    • Motion made to add the committee chairs to the board. The nominees are the current chairs with the exception of Membership committee. The nominee for that committee is Todd Dennison, replacing Gary Pratt. Motion passed unanimously.

    • Motion made to install the present chairs and incoming chair as 2022 committee chairs. Motion passed unanimously.

Secretary’s Report – Elections Results

All the elections in the following paragraphs are for the 2022 board.

In order to be an officer, a member must first be elected to the board. The 2022 officer nominees for President, Vice President and Secretary are already Board members by virtue of being Trustees, so this election was held to add Margaret (Peggy) Karr (nominee for Treasurer). Peggy was elected by unanimous vote.

The Board proceeded with the vote for the four officer candidates, Elizabeth Lachowicz (President), Paul Fisher (Vice President), Peggy Karr (Treasurer) and Jeff Canter (Secretary). All four were elected by unanimous vote.

The next vote was for 2021 committee chairs to be added to the board as board elected Directors. The nominees are Mark Schaffer, Evelyn Maurer, Lindsey Meyer, Sandie Reilly, Gary Pratt, George Otto, Sam Edelston, John Mahon, Leigh Walker, Mike Agranoff and Jean Scully. All nominees were elected by unanimous vote.

The next vote was to install the 2021 committee chairs to a 2022 term. The nominees Mark Schaffer Special Events), Lindsey Meyer (Archives), Evelyn Maurer (Community Service), Sandie Reilly (Horses Sing None of It), Todd Dennison (Membership), George Otto (Newsletter), Todd Dennison (Open Stage), Sam Edelston (Publicity), John Mahon (Sound Reinforcement), Leigh Walker (Swingin' Tern), Mike Agranoff (Troubadour Booking) and Jean Scully (Troubadour Staffing). All chair nominees were installed by unanimous vote.

The president, by executive order, chose to dispense with the reading of the December reports, and accept the written reports.

January Board Meeting Date

January Board meeting is Tuesday, January 4, at 8:15 p.m. in cyberspace via Zoom.


Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Submitted by Jeff Canter