Swingin' Tern

On October 1, Swingin' Tern hosted Mark Hillegonds calling to Hog Wild. On October 15, Melanie Axel-Lute called to Dr. Twamley's Audio Snakes.

Both dances were well attended and appreciated by our dancers. Both ended in the green, money-wise.

The October 15 dance was special. Frequent ST dancer Lin Goetz sponsored the dance, paying all expenses. Lin cited a couple motivations. Particularly special to her is that late parents met at a dance. Also, she's now been contra dancing nearly a decade and wanted express her appreciation for Swingin' Tern, the Folk Project and the dancers at ST. At Lin's dance, many dancers also made contributions.

At this same dance, in celebration of her birthday, Gail Yazersky brought all the desserts. This included several delicious varieties of ice cream and many different fruits. It made for a wonderful break.

Not counting general overhead, the financial gain for the month was $319.

This Saturday, in addition to the regular 8 PM dance, ST is hosting a waltz workshop. Our own Ken Crawford will be instructing beginners at 3 PM, then at 4:15 he will be teaching the cross-step waltz step for more experienced dancers (including anyone who attended the 3 PM session). From 5:15 - 6:00 there will be free waltzing. The excellent and popular band The Frequent Flyers will be playing during the experienced workshop and the free waltzing, as well as for our evening contra dance.

Leigh Walker