Festival Report

We want to acknowledge over 50 Folk Project members that are contributing to the Spring Festival. This is truly everybody’s festival.

Registration is well underway. We have about 145 people fully registered, with approximately 35 more spaces available. We opened up to the waiting list on March 31. Elizabeth Lachowicz is managing the process with her usual lovely way. On April 7 we will begin a new round of promotions if all slots are not filled.

On the program side:

the workshop schedule is fleshed out and available on the Festival website.


Disappointingly, the new families with younger children that pre-registered have not registered yet. We’re still hoping, but we may have to wait until fall for a strong launch of the young family program. On the bright side, we have a much stronger showing of new teens and long-time Project teens. And on the even brighter side, fewer kids translates into higher festival profits.

We have the October dates (5-7) reserved at Camp Bernie. Lois Rantzer has brought a new camp for us to evaluate. As always, if anyone has suggestions, please bring them to us.

Special thanks to our Operations Manager, Pat Brangs, who is busily organizing our volunteer crew and managing our scholarship program.

Yours truly and trulier

Mark and Robin