Membership Report

Hi Folkies!

The 6/19 stats were taken just after the bulk of the returns had been processed from an e-blast to expired memberships.

The 7/1 stats show some expirations happening at the end of June. I processed a fair number of renewals today that arrived after the first, but not enough to bring us back up to the 6/19 state.

We had some people who sent in for the $35 "Premium membership, so Mark asked me to bring up the agenda item of what happens to the $15 extra that people pay for their "Premium membership".

Since the premium in the Premium membership is one of Ralph's HSNOI DVDs, I think the $15 should go be counted as income for HSNOI. I realize that it's just a "bragging rights" issue because, for practical purposes, it all goes into the same pot (we only have one checking account for the whole FP). But even bragging rights are important in a social organization.

See y'all on Tuesday!
