61。 潘霍华(朋霍费尔)是新正统、无神论者、宗教人道主义者


译序:潘霍华(Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 也译朋霍费尔)的一些言论常被一些基督教界的人士所引用,特别是那些提倡社会福音的人士,更是对他推崇备至。最近还看到一些人在推荐和歌唱潘霍华所作的诗《所有美善的力量》。这些人把潘霍华说成是或至少像是位出色的基督教神学家、牧师、殉道者。但事实是,潘霍华是位严重背离圣经真理的异端人士。此文汇集了一些来自潘霍华的书籍和文章的言论,作为他是异端人士的证据。对潘霍华这样一位异端人士,基督徒不该把他粉饰得像个基督徒似的,否则就是在作假见证,是在欺哄和误导他人。此译文的英文原文来自 Biblical Discernment Ministries (以圣经为准则的分辩事工网站)的文章 《Dietrich Bonhoeffer:General Teachings/Activities》(潘霍华 :通常的言行)。

潘霍华(Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945)是新正统的德国神学家,牧师,传教士,电台播音员,是1930年代和1940年代初期的多产作家,那其间是阿道夫·希特勒的崛起,统治和衰落的时期。 他对新正统的思想,神学,和术语非常着迷,并且深受新正统的主要神学家卡尔·巴特(1886-1968)的影响。 潘霍华的著作对“上帝之死” 神学的创立起到了不可忽视的作用,此神学在20世纪60年代因安立甘主教 John A.T. Robinson 而流行起来。 潘霍华实际上是一位无神论者和宗教人道主义者,他几乎否认了基督教信仰的所有主要教义。(《狱中书信》, Eberhard Bethge 编辑,纽约:Macmillan Co,1972年,第9-12页)。

潘霍华欣然承认“他欠自由神学的债”。 潘霍华声称不可能知道有关基督真实本性和本质的客观真理,他宣告上帝已经死了。 此外,潘霍华相信真正的基督徒是一个将自己的生活完全沉浸在世俗的世界中,成为一个世俗的基督徒。 潘霍华拒绝客观的和不可改变的圣经的道德标准,他宣称一种情境伦理学,也就是说,对与错完全是由“当时爱的责任”所决定(《狱中书信》,Eberhard Bethge 编辑,纽约:Macmillan Co,1972年,第9-12页,第378页;《伦理学》,第38页,第186页;《No Rusty Swords》,第44-45页)。

潘霍华是柏林精神病学教授的儿子,他曾在柏林图宾根(Tubingen)和纽约协和神学院学习神学。 1933年希特勒上台时,潘霍华是柏林大学的学生(学习将来做牧师)兼讲师,当时他加入了德国反对纳粹的“教会斗争”的牧师。1935年,他被任命为芬肯瓦认信教会(Finkenwalde Confessing Church)神学院的负责人,该神学院于1937年被政府关闭。1939年,对于即将来临的欧洲战争,潘霍华拒绝了在美国工作的可能性。 他坚信自己必须与德国的基督徒一起面对前面的困难。

第二次世界大战期间,潘霍华回到德国,但他被禁止讲道或出版。 潘霍华虽然宣称是甘地和他的非暴力信条的门徒,但他在反纳粹抵抗运动和德国军事部门担任双重特工,并最终加入战时阴谋暗杀希特勒。 然而,他于1943年被捕是由于他直接参与将14名犹太人偷运到瑞士。 1945年4月9日,他被纳粹在弗洛森堡(Flossenburg)绞死。

潘霍华虽然被执行死刑时只有39岁,但他留下了丰富的书籍遗产,其中最著名的有:圣徒相通,行为与存在,门徒的代价,一起生活,以及他的密友和传记作家埃伯哈德·贝奇(Eberhard Bethge)出版的信件,论文和笔记 。 其中包括:狱中书信,伦理学,以及六卷的著作(纽约城市大学 Dr. Ruth Zerner,“Dietrich Bonhoeffer”,Eerdmans 的《基督教历史手册》,1977年,第603页)。

尽管潘霍华表现出了新正统的存在主义色彩,但许多福音派人士因他的虔诚、奉献、和呼吁为基督受苦而被骗。 他的宗教术语看起来是福音派的,但它的实质却是存在主义的。 但是,今天仍有一些人继续把潘霍华当作真正的基督教英雄(例如 Don Matzat,Chuck Colson 和《今日基督教》的编委)。大急流城(Grand Rapids )浸信会学院(GARBC-现在的基石学院 Cornerstone College )在1991年秋天举办一场颂扬潘霍华的戏剧。 所有此类赞誉显然是没有根据的。

1。潘霍华相信,“上帝在教导我们,我们必须像那些没有上帝但能够相处得很好的人那样生活, 与我们同在的上帝正是抛弃我们的上帝。” 潘霍华相信,“至高无上、有绝对的权力和绝对良善的” 上帝是“虚假的超越概念”。同时,他认为 “那种以上帝作为道德,政治和科学等领域的现象的解释,是应当尽可能消除的假设”(《狱中书信》,SCM出版社,英国:Fontana Book,1953年,第122、164、360页)。

1.Bonhoeffer believed that “God is teaching us that we must live as men who can get along very well without Him. The God who is with us is the God who forsakes us.” Bonhoeffer also believed that the concept of God as a “supreme Being, absolute in power and goodness,” was a “spurious conception of transcendence,” and that “God as a working hypothesis in morals, politics, and science … should be dropped, or as far as possible eliminated” (Letters and Papers from Prison, S.C.M. Press edition, Great Britain: Fontana Books, 1953, pp. 122, 164, 360).

2。潘霍华认为人类已经成年,不再需要宗教,宗教只不过是真正信仰的虚假的外衣。 他建议一个“没有宗教性的基督教”。 对潘霍华来说,“鉴别基督徒并不是看他的信仰,而是看他的行为,看他在这世上的生活是否参与上帝的苦难”(《狱中书信》,SCM出版社,英国:Fontana Books,1953年,第163页)。 因此,潘霍华后期的写作推动了那些倡导“解放神学”的马克思主义神学家和希望推广世俗的社会福音的其他人。

2. He believed that mankind had become of age and no longer needed religion, which was only a deceptive garment of true faith; he suggested the need for a “religionless Christianity.” To Bonhoeffer, “the Christian is identified not by his beliefs, but by actions, by his participation in the suffering of God in the life of the world” (Letters and Papers from Prison, S.C.M. Press edition, Great Britain: Fontana Books, 1953, p. 163). Thus, Bonhoeffer’s final writings have given impulse to Marxist theologians sponsoring “liberation theology” and to others wishing to promote a worldly social gospel.

3。潘霍华拒绝讨论基督的起源,祂与天父的关系,祂的神人二性,甚至拒绝讨论基督的神人二性间的关系。 潘霍华坚定地相信,我们是不可能知道有关基督本性的客观真理(《基督中心》 第30、88、100-101页)

3. He refused to discuss the origin of Christ, His relationship to the Father, His two natures, or even the relationship of the two natures. Bonhoeffer was adamant in his belief that it was impossible to know the objective truth about the real essence of Christ’s being-nature (Christ the Center, pp. 30, 88, 100-101).


4. He questioned the Virgin Birth, and in reality denied it (The Cost of Discipleship, p. 215).

5。潘霍华否认基督的神性。 他主张“今天的耶稣基督”不是真实的位格和存在,而只是一个“团体性的存在”(《见证自由》,第75-76页;《基督中心》,第58页)

5.He denied the deity of Christ; he advocated that “Jesus Christ Today” is not a real person and being, but a “corporate presence” (Testimony to Freedom, pp. 75-76; Christ the Center, p. 58).


6. He denied the sinlessness of Christ’s human nature and further questioned the sinlessness of His earthly behavior (Christ the Center, pp. 108-109).

7。潘霍华认为基督以三种“启示性的形式”存在 — 就是道,圣礼,和教会。 在断言基督是教会之后,他接着说教会中的所有人都与基督相同(《基督中心》,第58页;《门徒的代价》,第217页)。 潘霍华的这一言论相当于泛神论!

7. He believed that Christ exists in three “revelatory forms” — as Word, as sacrament, and as church. From asserting that Christ is the church, he followed that all persons in the church are identical with Christ (Christ the Center, p. 58; The Cost of Discipleship, p. 217). This amounts to pantheism!

8。 潘霍华认为基督教并不是排他的,也就是说,他认为基督不是通往神的唯一道路。(《见证自由》,第55-56页)

8. He believed that Christianity is not exclusive, i.e., that Christ is not the only way to God (Testimony to Freedom, pp. 55-56).

9。潘霍华是早期大联合运动的杰出人物,这可从他与这些组织的关系可见:“国际友好世界联盟”(这是背道的世界基督教理事会 WCC 的前身),协和神学院,Visser’t Hooft(此人后来成为WCC的第一任秘书长)(《见证自由》,第22、212、568页)。 潘霍华还与罗马天主教接触,与天主教的解触是后来更广泛的大联合运动的预兆,这个大联合运动在1960年代中期的梵二之后兴旺起来。

9. He was a prominent figure in the early ecumenical movement, as evidenced through his associations with the “World Alliance for International Friendship” (a forerunner of the apostate World Council of Churches [WCC]), Union Theological Seminary, and Visser ‘t Hooft (who later became the first General Secretary of the WCC) (Testimony to Freedom, pp. 22, 212, 568). Bonhoeffer also reached out to Roman Catholics, prefiguring the broader ecumenism that blossomed after Vatican II in the mid-1960s.

10。潘霍华是一位真实的进化论者(《No Rusty Swords》,第143页),并认为《创世纪》一书在科学上是幼稚的,并充满了神话(《创造与堕落:创世纪1-3的神学解释》)。

10. He was a practical evolutionist (No Rusty Swords, p. 143), and believed that the book of Genesis was scientifically naive and full of myths (Creation and Fall: A Theological Interpretation of Genesis 1-3).

11。潘霍华在救赎论上遵循新正统的神学和术语(《自由见证》,第130页),他是圣礼主义者(《生活在一起》,第122页;《通往自由的道路》,第115、153页),他相信重生的婴儿洗礼( 《狱中书信》第142-143页)以及成人洗礼重生(《通往自由之路》,第151页),他将教会成员等同于救赎(《通往自由之路》,第93页),并否认个人的救赎(《狱中书信》,第156页)。

11. He adhered to neo-orthodox theology and terminology concerning salvation (Testimony to Freedom, p. 130), was a sacramentalist (Life Together, p. 122; The Way to Freedom, pp. 115, 153), believed in regenerational infant baptism (Letters and Papers from Prison, Macmillan, pp. 142-143) as well as adult baptismal regeneration (The Way to Freedom, p. 151), equated church membership with salvation (The Way to Freedom, p. 93), and denied a personal/individualistic salvation (Letters and Papers from Prison, Macmillan, p. 156).

12。潘霍华认为旧约没什么价值,或者根本就没有价值, 他说,“。。。旧约的信仰不是救赎的宗教”。(《狱中书信》,S.C.M. 出版社,英国:Fontana Books,1953年,第112页)

12. He placed little or no value on the Old Testament –“… the faith of the Old Testament is not a religion of salvation” (Letters and Papers from Prison, S.C.M. Press edition, Great Britain: Fontana Books, 1953, p. 112).

13。潘霍华否认圣经的完全字句默示,认为圣经只是神的道的“见证”,圣经只有在对个人“说话”时才成为神的道, 否则,圣经只是人或人们的话(《自由见证》,第9页,第104页;《Sanctorum Communio》,第161页)。 对潘霍华来说,圣经本应“被当作见证来解释,而不是作为智慧之书,教导之书,或永恒真理之书来阐述”(《 No Rusty Swords》,第118页)。 潘霍华还相信高等批判或历史批判的价值,这是对圣经的无误性和权威性的否定。(《基督中心》,第73-74页)。

13. He denied the verbal-plenary inspiration of Scripture, believing that the Bible was only a “witness” to the Word of God and becomes the Word of God only when it “speaks” to an individual; otherwise, it was simply the word of man/men (Testimony to Freedom, pp. 9, 104; Sanctorum Communio, p. 161). To Bonhoeffer, the Bible was meant “to be expounded as a witness, not as a book of wisdom, a teaching book, a book of eternal truth” (No Rusty Swords, p. 118). He also believed in the value of higher criticism/historical criticism, which is a denial of the inerrancy and authenticity of the Bible (Christ the Center, pp. 73-74).

14。潘霍华不相信基督的身体复活。 他认为复活的“历史性”是属于一个 “模糊的领域”,并且它是基督教的“神话般的” 元素之一,这种“神话般的”元素“不该被解释为宗教信仰的前提条件”。 他还认为,“信仰复活并不是解决死亡的方法”,同样的,诸如神迹和基督升天之类的也只是“神话般的概念”。(《基督中心》,第112页; 《狱中书信》,SCM出版社,英国:Fontana Books,1953年,第93-94页,第110页)。

14. He had no faith in the physical resurrection of Christ. Bonhoeffer believed the “historicity” of the Resurrection was in “the realm of ambiguity,” and that it was one of the “mythological” elements of Christianity that “must be interpreted in such a way as not to make religion a pre-condition of faith.” He also believed that “Belief in the Resurrection is not the solution of the problem of death,” and that such things as miracles and the ascension of Christ were “mythological conceptions” as well (Christ the Center, p. 112; Letters and Papers from Prison, S.C.M. Press edition, Great Britain: Fontana Books, 1953, pp. 93-94, 110).

G. Archer Weniger (1915-1982,神学教授、牧师)博士说,“如果垃圾桶中有益于健康的食物,那么人们就可以在潘霍华里找到一些好东西。但是,如果想在垃圾桶中找到营养品是危险的行为,那么潘霍华就必须被完全拒绝,并被当作是亵渎性的东西给予抛弃。潘霍华的东西比垃圾还要糟。”

– Dr. G. Archer Weniger declared, “If there is wholesome food in a garbage can, then one can find some good things in Bonhoeffer, but if it be dangerous to expect to find nourishment in a garbage can, then Bonhoeffer must be totally rejected and repudiated as blasphemy. It is worse than garbage。”