

艾伯特·史怀哲 (Albert Schweitzer,1875-1965)被称之为二十世纪人道精神划时代伟人、著名学者以及人道主义者。他在年轻时获得了哲学,神学,音乐,和医学的博士学位。1931年到非洲去,在那里行医达50年,被称之为“非洲圣人”,1953年获诺贝尔和平奖。无可置疑的,史怀哲因此获得了众多的荣誉和赞扬,他的头上戴满了美丽的光环。


但事实是,史怀哲本人根本就不信圣经,也不信耶稣基督。他最为出名的神学论著是《The Quest of the Historical Jesus》(《寻找历史的耶稣》)在这本书里,史怀哲赤裸裸地否定了圣经对耶稣的记载。他说圣经所记载的耶稣从来就不存在,他认为耶稣只是理性主义者所设计出来的,被自由主义者赋予了生命,并被现代的神学披上了历史的外衣。史怀哲的原话:“The Jesus of Nazareth who came forward publicly as the Messiah, who preached the ethic of the Kingdom of God, who founded the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth, and died to give His work its final consecration, never had any existence. He is a figure designed by rationalism, endowed with life by liberalism, and clothed by modern theology in an historical garb.”(见其这本书最后一章)。

CRI(Christian Research Institute)有篇研究史怀哲的文章,里面说到,史怀哲认为耶稣只不过是自认为是弥赛亚,他被钉十字架纯属是自找的,且没有复活。史怀哲认为耶稣是想通过自己的受死带来世界末日,耶稣的死只是为了祂自己是弥赛亚的信念,只是殉道者的死。史怀哲临死前还加入了 International Unitarian Association,这是个否定三一神论,否认耶稣的神性的宗教组织。


His best-known written work was Quest of the Historical Jesus. Unfortunately, that book betrays Schweitzer as less than a Christian theologian. He had tremendous influence on theology, but he certainly did not maintain orthodox Christian theology. He concluded that book with Jesus having brought about His own crucifixion; he also left Christ without a resurrection. Schweitzer’s position was that Jesus held the idea that He was the Messiah, that He had a “messianic consciousness” and that He thought He could bring about the end of the world by forcing His own death; that, according to Schweitzer, was His glory. Jesus died as a martyr to His belief in His “messianic character.”

Just before Schweitzer’s death, he joined the International Unitarian Association, making it perfectly plain that he did not believe in Jesus’ deity。


