
摘录 & 翻译:小草

读了一篇有关德蕾莎修女的文章,是加拿大一位叫 Brian Robinson 牧师写的,文章题为《Mother Teresa - A Saint?》 Brian Robinson 牧师所在的教会是加拿大安省的 Reformed Baptist Church(改革宗浸信会)。他这篇文章写于2007年,曾被转载发表在欧美的一个基督教刊物《Banner of Truth》上。文中有几点说得不错,我就把这几点摘录下来,并粗略地意译成中文:

Her (Mother Teresa's) letters and thoughts are found in a recently published book Mother Teresa: Come be My Light in which she admits that she ‘had not faith.’ Her letters reveal that for over fifty years she sought Christ but came to the conclusion that he was ‘the Absent One’. Her prayers to God for forgiveness only deepened her sorrow, and upon receiving an important reward on one occasion she confessed, ‘This means nothing to me, because I don’t have him’. The letters further reveal that her outward demeanour to the work did not reveal the sadness of her heart. She said that her ‘smile was a fake’.

在最近出版的《Mother Teresa: Come be My Light》 这本书里,有德蕾莎修女的一些信件和思想,她曾承认自己没有信心。她的信件透露了,50年来她寻求基督所得出的结论是,基督是缺席的。她向神告求赦免,但那只加深了她的悲伤。在一次接受一重要奖项时,她承认,“这对于我毫无意义,因为我没有祂”。她的信件更进一步泄露,她没有在外在的工作上流露出她内心的悲伤。她自己说,她的笑是假的。

Mother Teresa believed that she became a Christian when she was sprinkled as a baby by a Roman priest. We know from Scripture this is a deception that is without any biblical support. In time she became a nun and took vows of chastity to become the holy Bride of Christ. A further deception, as the Bible is clear that all the redeemed are the Bride of Christ. (Revelation 19).


But is it also possible that Mother Teresa was never converted at all, and received no light from the deceptions practiced by Rome?


This is all very sad, but we must not exalt human beings like Mother Teresa, and give to her a free pass to heaven because of a work done amongst the poor. She was a sinner who needed true shepherds to guide her to Jesus Christ as the sole and sufficient Saviour of the lost. I am told that John MacArthur had opportunity to present the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ to Mother Teresa, and she rejected it. To accept Christ she would have had to renounce the whole Catholic deception and the pride of her own spiritual works, and this she was unwilling to do.

我们不能因为德蕾莎修女在穷人中的工作,就高举她,并给她进天堂的通行证。她是个罪人,她需要牧者引导她到唯一的救主耶稣基督这里来。我被告知,John MacArthur 牧师曾有机会向她介绍耶稣基督的福音,但她拒绝了。要接受基督,她就得放弃整个天主教的虚谎,也得放弃她属灵工作的骄傲,而这些是她不愿意的。

