


其实,圣经非常清楚地说了作为教会牧长和领袖所必须有的资格,其中有这么一节经文,“作监督的、必须无可指责、只作一个妇人的丈夫、有节制、自守、端正、乐意接待远人、善于教导。”(提前3:2)监督在现代教会就是指牧师、长老的职分,可参见陈终道《新约书信读经讲义》里的选用圣职人员的标准)。那么,既然圣经说了,作为教会的牧长必须是“只作一个妇人的丈夫”,这就是说,牧长必须是男性的,总不会女性是作丈夫的吧。对于女人讲道的问题,圣经也是说得很清楚的,”我不许女人讲道、也不许他辖管男人、只要沉静。 因为先造的是亚当、后造的是夏娃。 且不是亚当被引诱、乃是女人被引诱、陷在罪里。 ” (提前2:12-14)

美国当代的两位名牧 John Piper (约翰派博)和 John MacArthur(约翰麦卡瑟) 都坚定地反对女人当牧师,或站讲台讲道。他们都共同引用提前2:12 这节经文来证明女人不可以当牧师,也不可以讲道,“我不许女人讲道、也不许他辖管男人、只要沉静。(提前2:12)

John MacArthur 说,“While the ministry of women is essential to the church’s proper working and health, only men are given the responsibility to serve as pastors and elders. Although Scripture is quite clear on this point, there are many individuals, churches, and denominations that choose to disobey the Lord’s will in this regard and allow women to function in pastoral and teaching roles.”(《Can women serve as pastors and elders in the church?》)

John MacArthur在这段话里说,“唯独男人被赋予了担当牧师和长老的职责。虽然圣经对此的教导是很清楚的,但是还是有很多的个人,教会,和宗派选择违背神的旨意而允许女人充当牧师和教导的角色。”

约翰麦克亚瑟在《Can Women Exercise Authority in the Church?》里说,女人有可能是很有天份的教师和领袖,但在教会里这些天份却不可以被使用,这是神律法的命令。任何人忽视或拒绝神的命令,不仅削落教会,也是不遵从神。

John Piper 在他的《Should Women Become Pastors?》讲道里说,“At home men are proving their fitness to be elders (pastors), and at church they are the ones who are given that role. Paul says explicitly, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man" (1 Timothy 2:12.) And those two functions—teaching and exercising authority—are the functions of the elder.

It's not a problem for a woman to minister in hundreds of ways in the church, but the office of leadership and teaching of men is preserved for spiritual and godly men.”

John Piper 在他这段话里很清楚地说道,“教会牧长的角色是赋予男人的,教导和领导男人的职位是专门给属灵和敬虔的男人。”