

看到下面这么一张翻译的图片,说话的人是 Steve Lawson。这张图里把他所引的约翰麦克亚瑟牧师的话翻译成,“如果现今你不是改革宗,你基本上是不靠谱的。”

这种话,言下之意就是,“如果你现今不是改革宗,那你就是错得离谱了。” 我不信麦克亚瑟牧师会说出这样的话,所以我怀疑这样的翻译是有问题的,是把原话原意翻译错了。为了查明究竟怎么回事,我找到了Steve Lawson 的原话,以及他说这句话的语境和上下文,如下:

Those of us who are Reformed in our theology, are enormously grateful for the revival of Reformed Theology that has swept through the body of Christ over these last years. In fact, Time Magazine, a couple of years ago, posted the top ten ideas that are changing the world right now. And high on that list it was shocking to see the New Calvinism that even the world has to acknowledge that there is a resurgence of Calvinistic Reformed theology that is taking place. In fact, Dr. MacArthur has said, “If you’re not reformed right now, you are basically irrelevant.” I would add to that, “You’re wrong.” But there has been a ground swell and it has been spread far and wide to this Reformed resurgence to mainline denominations, to independent churches, to Baptist churches, and there’s been a host of gifted teachers who have led this parade. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, J.I. Packer, James Montgomery Boice, R.C. Sproul, John Piper and our host for this conference, John MacArthur has really, these men have been standard bearers in this line of godly men and this generation and we all have been under the influence of these men, if not all of these men.

— 引自《Calvin’s Critique of Charismatic Calvinists (Steve Lawson)》(加尔文对灵恩派的加尔文主义者的批判)

Steve Lawson 是在2013年约翰麦克亚瑟牧师主办的《凡火特会》的讲话里,引了麦克亚瑟牧师的那句话。他引那句话时是在讲到改革宗神学在前几年的复兴和对教会造成的巨大影响。他说,改革宗广泛地影响了主流的宗派,独立的教会,也影响了浸信会,引领改革宗这一盛况的、有恩赐的教师里有:钟马田,巴刻,博爱思,史普罗,派博,和麦克亚瑟,他们是我们这个时代的敬虔人,我们都在他们的影响之下。

Steve Lawson 引的麦克亚瑟牧师的这句话,“If you’re not reformed right now, you are basically irrelevant。” 直译的话是,“如果你现今不是改革宗,你是基本上不相关的。” 据于他引这句话的意境,我所理解的意思是,“如果你现在不是改革宗的话,基本上你与这场改革宗的复兴和所带来的影响是不相关的。” 也就是说,虽然改革宗的影响在教会里很广泛,造成了巨大的影响,但如果你现在还不是改革宗的话,你基本上与这些是不相关的。

所以,把麦克亚瑟的话翻译为“如果现今你不是改革宗,你基本上是不靠谱的。” 就是错误的。中文的不靠谱是指错得离谱,但Steve Lawson 并不是在讲论改革宗有多靠谱,也不是在讲论非改革宗有多不靠谱,而是在讲改革宗的巨大影响。而他的这整篇讲道是在讲改革宗甚至影响到了灵恩派,以致出现了“灵恩派的加尔文主义者”(Charismatic Calvinist),他试图以加尔文本人的立场和观点来批判这种灵恩派的加尔文主义者。灵恩派的加尔文主义者就是混合了改革宗神学和灵恩派的人士,代表人物有古德恩(Wayne Grudem),和古德恩的学生马克·德里斯科尔(Mark Driscoll)。
