


Alexander Strauch (1944 -)是美国一教会的长老,出版了数本有关教会领袖方面的书籍,其代表作为《Biblical Eldership》(符合圣经的长老),在这本书里 Strauch 有这么一段说到“一个妇人的丈夫”:

…the phrase ‘the husband of one wife’ is meant to be a positive statement that expresses faithful, monogamous marriage. In English we would say, ‘faithful and true to one woman’ or ‘a one-woman man.’…Negatively, the phrase prohibits all deviation from faithful, monogamous marriage. Thus, it would prohibit an elder from polygamy, concubinage, homosexuality, and/or any questionable sexual relationship. Positively, Scripture says the candidate for eldership should be a ‘one-woman man,’ meaning he has an exclusive relationship with one woman. Such a man is above reproach in his sexual and marital life (Alexander Strauch, Biblical Eldership, 192)。

Alexander Strauch 上面这段文字的意思是:


美国的John MacArthur(约翰麦卡瑟)牧师在其所著的《1 Timothy MacArthur New Testament Commentary》(新约圣经注释)里说:

Scripture makes clear that sexual sin is a reproach that never goes away. Proverbs 6:32–33 says of the adulterer, “The one who commits adultery with a woman is lacking sense; he who would destroy himself does it. Wounds and disgrace he will find, and his reproach will not be blotted out.” Paul also indicates that failure to keep the body pure and controlled results in being disqualified for preaching (1 Cor. 9:27)。


圣经清楚地指明,性方面的罪是可责备的,这样的责备是不会消失的。箴言 6:32-33,“与妇人行淫的、便是无知、行这事的、必丧掉生命。 他必受伤损、必被凌辱。他的羞耻不得涂抹。”保罗也指出,不能保持身体的圣洁和克制会导致失去教导的资格(林前 9:27)。(我是攻克己身、叫身服我.恐怕我传福音给别人、自己反被弃绝了(林前9:27))

对于“作监督的,必须无可指责”,解经家Matthew Henry (马太亨利)对此说道:A minister must be blameless, he must not lie under any scandal; he must give as little occasion for blame as can be, because this would be a prejudice to his ministry and would reflect reproach upon his office。这段英文的意思是:牧长必须是无可责难的,他不落在任何丑闻之下;他应该尽可能地不给予被责难的机会,因为责难会伤害其事工,会反应在其担当的角色上。


