
作者:约翰.麦克阿瑟(John MacArthur) 译者:小草

我经常听到一些牧师说:“你需要学习聆听上帝的声音。 你需要被调节到能够听到祂那微小的声音。” 作者萨拉·杨(Sarah Young)在她的畅销书《耶稣的叮咛》(Jesus Calling)里也提出了类似的主张,她声称这本书是根据她从基督领受的信息写成的。 她放肆地以上帝的声音写出下面的指示:

“当我的思想在你的深处静静地形成时,安静等候在我的面前。 在这过程中,不要试图仓促行动,因为匆忙会使你的心在地上。 我是整个宇宙的创造者,但我选择在你的心中建造我的卑微之家。在那里,你与我最密切, 在那里,我用神圣的耳语对你说话。 求我的灵安静你的心,使你可以在你里面听到我微小的声音。”


这就是使徒约翰在拔摩海岛上听到的声音。他写道:“他的声音如同众水的声音”(启示录1:15)。拔摩海岛上没有柔软的沙滩,没有温和,舒缓的潮汐。在暴风雨中,海浪以震耳欲聋的轰鸣声撞击岩石。那种强烈的、引人注目的声音就是约翰描述的主的声音。这是对 “以色列神的荣光从东而来。他的声音如同多水的声音。地就因他的荣耀发光。” (以西结书43:2)的回应,以西结这节经文证实了基督和圣父在教会中用同样雷鸣般的权威说话。


羊追随牧人的原因是因为他们认得祂的声音。羊认得自己牧羊人的声音,对别人不会有回应。Philip Keller 写到:

“牧人和祂所照顾的羊之间的关系在一定程度上依赖于牧人声音的使用。 羊很快习惯于他们主人的声音。 他们熟悉祂独特的语调。 他们知道祂独特的声音和音调。 他们可以将祂与其他任何人区分开。 如果有陌生人进到他们中间来,他们将不认识,也不会回应他的声音。”


--- 译自:《The Lord’s Voice of Authority


The Lord’s Voice of Authority

by John MacArthur Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I frequently hear pastors say, “You need to learn to listen to the voice of God. You need to be tuned in so you can hear His still, small voice.” Author Sarah Young makes a similar claim in Jesus Calling—her bestselling devotional based on messages she claims to have received from Christ. Presumptuously writing in the Lord’s voice, she dispatches the following instructions.

Wait quietly in My presence while My thoughts form silently in the depths of your being. Do not try to rush this process, because hurry keeps your heart earthbound. I am the Creator of the entire universe, yet I choose to make my humble home in your heart. It is there where you know me most intimately; it is there where I speak to you in holy whispers. Ask My Spirit to quiet your mind so that you can hear My still, small voice within you. [1]

I have no idea what that means. God does not mumble. He doesn’t whisper gentle niceties into the ears of His people. When the Lord speaks to His church, it is unmistakable. His voice thunders over the church through the divine authority of Holy Scripture.

That was the sound the apostle John heard on the island of Patmos. He writes, “And His voice was like the sound of many waters” (Revelation 1:15). There are no soft, sandy beaches on the Isle of Patmos, no gentle, soothing tide. During a storm, the waves crash against the rocks with a deafening roar. That violent, arresting sound was how John described the voice of the Lord. It’s an echo of Ezekiel 43:2, affirming that Christ and the Father speak with the same thundering voice of authority over the church.

John had heard this voice before. At Christ’s transfiguration, the voice of God rang out, saying, “This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!” (Luke 9:35). One of the defining characteristics of believers is that they recognize the authority of Christ and obey His Word: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27).

The reason the sheep follow the Shepherd is because they know His voice. Actual sheep recognize the voice of their own shepherd and will not respond to another. Philip Keller writes:

The relationship that develops between a shepherd and the sheep under his care is to a definite degree dependent on the use of the shepherd’s voice. Sheep quickly become accustomed to their owner’s particular voice. They are acquainted with its unique tone. They know its peculiar sounds and inflections. They can distinguish it from that of any other person. If a stranger should come among them, they would not recognize nor respond to his voice. [2]

True believers will heed the Good Shepherd’s voice and reject the overtures of false shepherds. Submitting to the authority of Christ is fundamental to the life of faith: “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15).