

20世纪颇为出名的天主教修士梅顿(牟敦,Thomas Merton,January 31, 1915 – December 10, 1968 )是个信奉宗教大合一的离经叛道的异端分子。但在这末后的世代,宗教大合一已形成一股暗流,梅顿这种人在这种情形下也就有了市场。当然,很多人在推崇梅顿时主要都是说他是灵修大师,而对他真实的信仰背景并不多加说明。

1968年11月 梅顿到印度与某喇嘛会面,同年12月份梅顿就在印度意外地去世

范学德对梅顿就十分的赞赏,梅顿的话频频地出现在他的文章里,并以梅顿为他的属灵导师,还声称梅顿的书是他的最爱之一,就摆在他的案头上。范学德写的推崇和赞誉梅顿(牟敦)的文章有:《永远的兄长——纪念梅顿一百周年诞辰》,《神秘的Trappist 修道院及梅顿》,《为我兄弟——自然的美善做见证——读牟敦笔记之一》,《上帝在万物中置放了他的喜悦——读牟敦笔记之二》,等等。

首先梅顿并不是新教徒,虽说是天主教徒,但梅顿从年轻时就很兴趣东方的宗教。后来更是着迷于东方宗教,在他死前不久还声称自己是个佛教徒和印度教徒。下面从《Thomas Merton: The Catholic Buddhist Mystic》(梅顿:天主教的佛教徒神秘主义)一文里摘译梅顿所发表过的一些言论,从中就可看出他根本就是个信仰混杂的异端分子。

Merton also said that he was both a Buddhist and a Hindu:


“I see no contradiction between Buddhism and Christianity. The future of Zen is in the West. I INTEND TO BECOME AS GOOD A BUDDHIST AS I CAN”


(David Steindl-Rast, “Recollection of Thomas Merton’s Last Days in the West,” Monastic Studies, 7:10, 1969, http://www.gratefulness.org/readings/dsr_merton_recol2.htm, this report contains quotations from Merton’s talks at the Our Lady of the Redwoods Abbey in Whitethorn, California, in late 1968 on his way to Asia where he died).

“You have to see your will and God’s will dualistically for a long time. You have to experience duality for a long time until you see it’s not there. IN THIS RESPECT I AM A HINDU


[here he was saying that he believed in Hindu monism rather than Christian dualism; that God is all and all is God]. Ramakrishna has the solution. ... Openness is all”

【梅顿在这里说的意思是,他相信印度教的一元论而不是基督教的二元论,也就是,他认为上帝是一切,一切是上帝】Ramakrishna (19世纪的印度瑜伽行者) 有解决的方法。。。开放是一切。

(“Recollection of Thomas Merton’s Last Days in the West,” Monastic Studies, 7:10, 1969, http://www.gratefulness.org/readings/dsr_merton_recol2.htm).

“Asia, Zen, Islam, etc., all these things come together in my life. It would be madness for me to attempt to create a monastic life for myself by excluding all these”


(quoted by Rob Baker and Gray Henry, Merton and Sufism, p. 41).

“I believe that by openness to Buddhism, to Hinduism, and to these great Asian traditions, we stand a wonderful chance of learning more about the potentiality of our own Christian traditions”


(quoted by William Shannon, Silent Lamp, 1992, p. 276).

“I think I couldn’t understand Christian teaching the way I do if it were not in the light of Buddhism”


(Frank Tuoti, The Dawn of the Mystical Age, 1997, p. 127).
