24。美国绘画女童阿琪雅纳(Akiane Kramarik)并非基督徒


美国女画童阿琪雅纳(Akiane Kramarik)生于1994年,但她在8,9岁时就已出名了。她的传奇故事已被译成中文,在中文网站和博客间传播开来。不少人认为她是个基督徒,甚至于称她为“上帝的画笔”,把她的绘画历程和成就说成是上帝的一个很奇妙的作为。这真是极大的错谬!纯属是在作假见证,以讹传讹。


阿琪雅纳那些奇异的经历并不能证明她是个基督徒,她所说的那位常常与她对话,给她异象,并教她绘画的那位 God 并不是圣经里启示的上帝。她的绘画成确实是个奇迹,她的经历里确实有灵界的参予,但奇异和灵异事件的来源并非都是上帝。“因为假基督、假先知、将要起来、显大神迹、大奇事.倘若能行、连选民也就迷惑了。”(太24:24)

在此不打算说太多,只要看看阿琪雅纳(Akiane Kramarik)在14岁时画的那幅 Enlightenment (觉悟,开悟),和她对这幅画的说明就够了。我只把她这个说明里有关 Enlightenment (开悟,觉悟)和这幅画所表达的那几句话作了翻译。从她这几句话就可以很清楚地看到,阿琪雅纳(Akiane Kramarik)信的根本不是耶稣基督 -- 唯一的道路,真理,和生命。她信从和追求的是印度教的那套靠冥想来达到所谓的开悟和个人的灵性的提升。她作的这幅画就是表达了她对这种印度教的认同,并借此来传播这种宗教的理念,她应该是属于新纪元人士。

阿琪雅纳(Akiane Kramarik)对她是如何作出这幅画,以及她对Enlightenment(开悟,觉悟)的理解如下:

I was always interested in Asian culture, and recently my interest focused on Southeast Asia—India, in particular.

My dilemma was that there were virtually no Asian Indians in our local area, and if I had worked only from my imagination, it still would not have been enough, because any authentic culture demands a thorough knowledge of traditions and customs.

no Asian Indians in our local area, and if I had worked only from my imagination, it still would not have been enough, because any authentic culture demands a thorough knowledge of traditions and customs.

Ironically, a few months later a gentleman from England called my gallery to make an appointment with me. When he arrived to our Idaho gallery we were stunned to see a Hindu Swami from top to bottom dressed in his own traditional robes.

His intention was only to share an urgent, confidential and spiritual message, then return back home. But after hearing him, we all convinced him to stay with us longer. During five days of his visit he was teaching us about his culture and faith, eventually agreeing to model for me.

This turned out to be a four-month-long painting project, because every detail had to be authentically accurate.

The Enlightenment is not only about the Hindu worship and prayer, but about all of us finding our own way to spiritual enlightenment, peace and contentment.


Respecting the differences of our spiritual crossroad paths demonstrates maturity and is part of reaching the enlightenment.


Everybody needs time to reflect and contemplate, and the most inspirational and peaceful place to do so is the nature.


Through the Swami's focus on beauty, wisdom and love everything is reviving, both spiritual and physical thirst is getting quenched, and the scorched hill is releasing its first flower as a symbol of rebirth.

通过印度大师专注于美丽,智慧和对一切的爱正在苏醒,灵性和身体的饥渴得到满足,枯焦的小山上开放出第一朵花,那是重生的象征。(这句话是阿琪雅纳在描述她这幅画所表达的 --小草注)