

美国《今日基督教》(CT)于美国时间 03-09, 再次对柴远事件进行跟进报道。文章标题为《神州远(志明)否认强奸控告,辞去布道》小标题为:柴LING不接受远所承认的“性过犯”的说法。见下面报道标题部分的截图:


A senior staff member at China Soul told CT via email, “Pastor Yuan resigned from his pastoral duties and ministries, but not his title and position in order to rest in our Lord and renew himself during this trial. The resignation is not a punishment in any way. ” (Yuan is vice president and secretary of China Soul, a tax-exempt religious organization that had revenue of $707,000 in 2013 and is based in Rohnert Park, California.)

神州某位人士通过Email告诉CT,“在这起事件中,为了在主里休息和更新自己,远牧师辞去牧职和传道事工,但没有辞去他的头衔和职位。辞职不是惩处”(远是神州的付总和秘书,神州是个免税的宗教机构,2013年年收入为 $707,000 )--- 小草译


Boz Tchividjian, executive director of GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment), praised the 18-pastor panel’s report. “Our Christian communities would be much safer places for the victimized and the vulnerable if more church leaders followed the example of these 18 pastors by taking proactive steps to address abuse allegations in such a serious and substantive manner,” he said. As many as 12 persons have come forward to share about alleged misconduct by Yuan.

Boz 是GRACE机构的执行主任,GRACE 是 【以敬虔的方式回应基督徒环境里的虐待】的简称。 Boz 赞扬18位牧师团的报告。“如果更多的教会领袖能追随这18位牧师的榜样,采取积极的步骤,以严肃和具体的方式,来处理虐待的指控,那么基督教社区将会对受害者和弱势人士安全得多。”他说,多达12个人已经站出来分享对远不轨行为的指控。-- 小草译

小草加注: Boz Tchividjian 是 Billy Graham(葛培理)的孙子,基督教学校的法律教授。