

俄国文豪列夫·托尔斯泰(LEO TOLSTOY,1828年9月9日 - 1910年11月20日)被不少人谣传为基督徒。但事实是,托尔斯泰不仅不是个基督徒,而是个反对正统基督教的异端人士。美国恩典福音协会杂志(Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society)1998年发表了一篇文章,题为《THE THEOLOGY OF LEO TOLSTOY》(列夫·托尔斯泰的神学),作者是 James Townsend。 James 在这篇文章里颇为详细地考查了托尔斯泰在有关圣经,神论,基督论,罪论,救赎论,神迹,天国,永生等方面所信持的理念,最后总结到:毫无疑问的托尔斯泰不是个基督徒。

下面就是摘自 James这篇文章的一些内容,并做了简要的中译。

He was interested in the morals, not the miracles. Tolstoy subscribed to the liberal or example treatment of the feeding of the 5,000. He even claimed that part of Matthew 22 had been copied from the Talmud!


Tolstoy referred to "those offensive miracles with which the [book of] Acts [is] filled…" InThe Kingdom of God Is Within You Tolstoy declared that "for us [modern people] these [biblical] words [about God, creation, the ascension, etc.] have no meaning whatsoever." In other words, Tolstoy was in harmony with much of religious liberalism that, while the supernatural must be ousted, religious faith must be retained.

托尔斯泰说到,“使徒行传充满了令人讨厌的神迹奇事。。。” 在《神的国在你里面》这本书里,托尔斯泰声称,“对于我们现代的人,圣经里这些有关上帝,创造,升天,等等说辞是没有丝毫的意义。换言之,托尔斯泰是与宗教自由主义者相一致的,他们抛弃超自然的神迹奇事,保留宗教的信心。

In Tolstoy‘s Thoughts on God (1900) he wrote, "Prayer is addressed to the personal God, not because he is personal (indeed, I know for certain that he is not personal, because personality is limitation, while God is unlimited)…"

在托尔斯泰的 《思想上帝》(1900)一书里,他写到,”祷告是对位格的上帝,不是因为他是有位格的(当然,我确实知道他不是有位格的,因为位格是限制,但上帝是不被限制的)。。。“

In his Critique of Dogmatic Theology Tolstoy owned that the Trinity "forms the radical, essentially [orthodox] Christian dogma." Yet in the same volume he concluded that "there are absolutely no proofs in Scripture in confirmation of the Trinity…" His final avowal is: "I reject this dogma."


Tolstoy wrote that "to consider [Christ] a God and pray to [Him], I esteem greatest blasphemy…"


Concerning the resurrection Tolstoy asserted (June 13, 1889): "There is fabrication in Mohammed and Paul. There isn't with Christ…He would not have been turned into a religion had it not been for the fabrication of the resurrection, and the chief fabricator was Paul." Tolstoy, the Greek translator, even denied that there was a biblical word for "resurrection."


For Tolstoy the Gospels were the heart of the Bible, and the Sermon on the Mount was the heart of the Gospels, and Matt 5:39 ("resist not evil") was the heart of the Sermon on the Mount. Non-resistance to evil "involves [for Tolstoy] ultimately the entire abolition of compulsory legislation, law courts, police, and prison." Tolstoy was a humanitarian anarchist who stood opposed to all human government and violence.
